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GATE - Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is an all India examination administered and conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven Indian Institutes of Technology for Master degree courses of Engineering in top Engineering Colleges in India. So if you want to take admission in master programmes of these top engineering colleges and IISC you need to appear for gate exam 2012.
There is just one paper in the GATE exam that has to be attempted within three hours time. It consists of total 65 questions which carry 100 marks. There are all objective questions with multiple choices. One has to darken the bubble corresponding to the answer and this year it would be with a black ball pen instead of a pencil. It is important to note for all the aspirants of GATE 2012 that wrong answers carry negative marking.
All those who qualify in the GATE 2012 exam would be eligible to get admission in the best of engineering colleges like IITs. They can pursue bachelor’s degree in Technology, Architecture and Engineering other than pursuing master’s degree in Maths, Science, Statistics and Computer Application. Additionally, one qualifies for pursuing doctoral programs in the branch of science. There are scholarships available for doctoral students if they qualify GATE exam.
GATE 2013 Exam Dates/ Notification:-
GATE Exam will be conducted in Last week of January 2013
GATE 2013 is conducted through the constitution of eight zones. The zones and the corresponding administrative institutes are:
Zone-1: Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Zone-2: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Zone-3: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Zone-4: Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Zone-5: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Zone-6: Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
Zone-7: Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Zone-8: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an exam conducted by the IITs and IISc for admission into these institutes in different courses in technology, architecture and other biological sciences. Through this exam, candidates can take admission in different PhD and masters program in different verticals also. Masters degree can be in Maths, Science, Statistics and Computer Applications. The institutes in which these courses are studied are the 11 Indian Institutes of Technologies and in the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore.
The GATE exam is conducted usually in the month of January every year and for 2013 also, the situation would also be the same. To be sure of the date of examination, the candidates will have to check the advertisement during the month of September 2012. But until then, they have sufficient time in their hands to prepare the different courses that they would be appearing in and therefore prepare accordingly.
The candidature of the students is possible if they fulfil the eligibility criteria for education qualifications. Those students who have passed their degree courses in any engineering or architecture are eligible. Students with masters’ degree in maths, science, statistics and computer applications or those who are in the pre-final year of these courses can also apply. Those who have the degrees recognised by the government of India such as AIME and ICE and students pursuing integrated masters’ degree and dual degree programs can also apply for the GATE 2013.
GATE 2013 is going to be conducted in 21 different streams which are Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Instrumentation Engineering, Architecture and Planning, Geology and Geophysics, Mathematics, Mining Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Production and Industrial Engineering, Textile Engineering and Fiber Science, Chemistry, Physics, Engineering Sciences and Life Science.
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