Government of India / Depaertment of Space
Indian Space Research Organiation (ISRO)
ISRO Centralised Recruitment Board (ICRB)
Recruitment of Purchase & Stores Officer
ISRO, Bangalore invites Online application for the following posts for its various Centres/Units located across India:
Purchase & Stores Officer : 04 Posts (UR-2, OBC-2), Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100/- Grade Pay Rs. 5400/- How to apply : Apply Online at at SHAR website only from 16/10/2012 to 05/11/2012.
Advertisement No: ISRO HQ/ICRB/02/2012 dated 16-10-2012
the posts of Purchase & Stores Officer in the pay band of Rs.15600-39100 with grade pay of Rs.5400/-
[Group-A, Gazetted] for its various Centres/Units located across India.
Do not use 'Back' and 'Forward' button of your browser while filling up online application form.
If already applied, use the following link to download your Application Fee Challan / Registration Confirmation Form
To get the online application form, please click on the Post Name below for which you want to apply for.
Important Instructions
Do not use 'Back' and 'Forward' button of your browser while filling up online application form.
If already applied, use the following link to download your Application Fee Challan / Registration Confirmation Form
To get the online application form, please click on the Post Name below for which you want to apply for.
Post | No.of Posts | Reservation | Educational Qualification and Experience |
Purchase and Stores Officer |
04 | UR-02; OBC-02 | MBA in Marketing or Materials Management + 1 year experience in
supervisory capacity in the relevant field
- MBA Degree should be in Marketing or Materials Management and candidates possessing MBA Degree other than those mentioned above are not eligible to apply
- Graduation/Post Graduation (other than MBA and PG Diploma in Materials Management) should be in First Class with minimum 60% marks.
- The experience should have been acquired after passing the prescribed educational qualification. The candidates should have acquired the prescribed educational qualification and number of years of experience on or before the last date of receipt of application.
- The Supervisory/Non- Supervisory experience, wherever prescribed, should be in the areas of Purchase & Stores related activities in a Govt office or a public body or a commercial organization of repute. Supervisory experience, wherever mentioned, should be at least in the Pay Band of Rs 9300-34800 with Grade Pay Rs 4200 / Rs 5500- 9000/- (PR) [equivalent to Group 'B' posts in the Government of India Departments]
- There should also be the communication skills, leadership qualities and familiarity with the computers and relevant software packages.
- The qualification prescribed is the minimum requirement and the same does not automatically make the candidate eligible for written test/interview.
- Age limit is 35 years as on 05-11-2012 (38 years for OBC candidates).
- Serving Govt. employees, Ex-Servicemen and Persons with Disabilities are eligible for age relaxation as per Govt. of India orders.
- The application for on-line registration will be hosted in the ISRO web-site at during the period from 16-10-2012 to 05-11-2012 and candidates may register their applications on-line during the period. Applications will be received on-line only.
- Payment of Application Fee : There will be an Application Fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only). After registration of application on-line, candidates have to down-load and print the personalized payment challan form, in three parts, from the ISRO web-site. By using the personalized payment challan, candidates have to remit the application fee at the nearest branch of State Bank of India to Receipt Account No. 32034064593 on any day between 16-10-2012 and 06-11-2012 After remittance of the application fee, candidate has to send one part of the challan form [ISRO copy] to Sr. Administrative Officer (ICRB), ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore -560 094 by post within 7 days and in any case not later than 13-11-2012. The payment shall be made through cash deposit only. Payment of Application Fee in any other form like Cheque, Draft, Money Order, IPO, etc. are not allowed. Applications in respect of which copy of challan form, after remittance of prescribed application fee [ISRO copy] is not received in ISRO HQ, Bangalore on or before 13-11-2012 will not be considered for further processing under any circumstances.
- Women; Scheduled Castes (SC); Scheduled Tribes (ST); Ex-serviceman [EX] and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee. However, after registration of application on-line, candidates have to down-load and print the personalized registration confirmation form, in two parts, from the ISRO web-site. The candidates have to send one part of the registration confirmation form [ISRO copy] alongwith a certificate indicated against each category, as below, to Sr. Administrative Officer (ICRB), ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore -560 094 by post within 7 days and in any case not later than 13-11-2012.
Women Candidate - Gender certificate issued by the Principal of the College where last studied or Attested copy of PAN Card/Voter's ID Card/College ID Card/Passport/Driving License/Ration Card.
SC/ST candidates - Attested copy of Caste Certificate
Persons with disabilities(PWD) - Attested copy of Medical Certificate indicating extent of disability issued by Medical Board
Ex-Servicemen - Attested copy of Discharge Certificate
Applications, in respect of which the above certificates are not received alongwith a copy of the registration confirmation form [ISRO copy] on or before 13-11-2012 will not be considered for further processing under any circumstances.
The Gross Emoluments in the minimum of pay band will at present be approximately
Rs.34,650/- p.m. In addition, HRA and Transport Allowance at the prescribed rates in force at the place of posting
will be paid for those who are not availing Departmental Housing and Transport facility. The employees will be
governed by New Pension Scheme. ISRO provides attractive benefits to its employees such as medical facilities
for self and dependants, subsidized canteen, free transport [or in lieu transport allowance], limited housing facility
for fresh entrants [or in lieu HRA], Leave Travel Concession, Group Insurance, advances for purchase of
conveyance, construction of house etc.
Based on bio-data, initial screening will be conducted to short-list candidates for taking-up
written test. The written test will be conducted at seven venues viz., Ahmedabad,
Bangalore, Sriharikota, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Thiruvananthapuram. Candidates short-listed based
on the performance in the written test will be called for interview, the schedule and venue of which will be
intimated. Candidates attending the interview will be reimbursed to and fro second-class train fare by the shortest
route from the address given in the application to the place of interview.
- The posts are temporary, but likely to continue.
- The number of posts indicated above are provisional and may vary depending on the actual requirements
- The appointees are liable to be posted in any of the Centres/ Units of the Indian Space Research Organisation/Department of Space situated anywhere in India as and when required. For details of ISRO Centres/Units, please visit ISRO Centres page.
- Candidates called for interview will have to produce all relevant original documents in proof of details furnished in their applications submitted on-line, at the time of interview. If any information furnished on-line is found to be wrong or false, the candidate will not be interviewed and TA will not be paid.
- No TA will be paid for attending the Written Test.
- ISRO reserves the right not to fill up all or any of the posts, if it so desires.
- Only Indian nationals need apply.
- Government strives to have a work force which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply.
- No interim correspondence will be entertained.
- For any clarification please mail to
Please visit for details and online application format.
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