Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to fill up the existing vacancies, the vacancies as may occur in future, on temporary basis of the following posts :-
(i) Assistants (Post Code 01) - Pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800/- with grade pay of Rs.4600/- (ii) Assistant Librarian (Post Code 02)- Pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800/- with grade pay of Rs. 4200/
(iii) Cashier (Post Code 03) - Pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800/- with grade pay of Rs. 4200/-
(iv) Typist (Post Code 04) - Pay scale of Rs. 5200-20200/- with grade pay of Rs. 2400/
(v) Legal Assistant (Post Code 05) - Pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800/- with grade pay of Rs.4600/-
Candidates should submit separate application for each post in the prescribed format given below, addressed to the Registrar General, Jharkhand High Court, Ranchi by Registered post/Speed post only. The last date for receipt of application is 09.11.2012.
1.For Post code 01 :- Graduate from recognized University having knowledge of working on computers with sound knowledge of Typing in computers
For Post code 02 :- Graduate and Degree in Library Science from a University.
For Post Code 03 :- Commerce/Economics Graduate from a University.
For Post Code 04:- Graduate from a University having Typing speed 40 words per minute in English and/or 30 words per minute in Hindi.
For Post Code 05 :- Law Graduate from any recognized University having the experience of at least three years practice as a Lawyer.
2. The candidates should possess sound health, good moral character and should not be involved in or related to any criminal case or any type involving moral turpitude.
3. For Post Code 01 to 04 :- The candidates must be above 18 years of age as on the 01.09.2012 but not more than the age of 35 years in case of General Category, 37 years
in case of E.B.C(B.C-I) & B.C(B.C-II) Category, 38 years in case of Female (General, E.B.C. & B.C.) and 40 years in case of S.C./S.T/PH Category.
For Post Code 05 :- The candidates must be above 25 years of age as on the 01.09.2012 but not more than the age of 35 years in case of General Category, 38 years
in case of E.B.C(B.C-I) & B.C(B.C-II). Category and 40 years in case of S.C./S.T/PH. Category.
4. Reservation policy of the State Government will apply and the benefit of same shall be given to the candidates belonging the State of Jharkhand only. The candidates of the
other State in the Reserved Category shall be treated as General Category candidate.
ENCLOSURES: Candidates are required to enclose:-
1. For Post Code 01 to 05 :- Original Bank Draft of Rs.500/-(Five Hundred only) for General category, E.B.C. (Schedule I), B.C. (Schedule II) and Rs. 125/- (One
Hundred twenty five only) for S.C and S.T. category, drawn on any Nationalized Bank payable at Ranchi in favour of Registrar General, Jharkhand High Court, Ranchi, towards the payment of examination fee.
2. Three recent passport size photographs (including one, duly attested by Gazetted Officer), should be affixed on the application form.
3. One self addressed unstamped envelope of 10X4½ Cm.
4. For the post code no. 01 to 05 :- Photocopy of the Matriculation Certificate in proof of date of birth duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
5. For the post code no. 01 :- Photocopy of the Provisional/ Original Certificate of Graduation from a recognized University along with a Certificate of Diploma in Computer
Application from a recognized Institute both duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
For the post code no. 02 :- Photocopy of the Provisional/Original Certificate of Graduation with photocopy of Provisional/Original Certificate showing Degree in
Library Science from a recognized University, both duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
For the post code no. 03 :- Photocopy of the Provisional/Original Certificate of Commerce/Economics Graduation from a recognized University duly attested by a
Gazetted Officer.
For the post code no. 04 :- Photocopy of the Provisional/ Original Certificate of Graduation from a recognized University and Photocopy of the Typing Certificate
both duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
For the post code 05 :- Photocopy of the Provisional/ Original Certificate of LL.B. from a recognized University, Photocopy of the certificate regarding enrollment in
the Bar Council both duly attested by a Gazetted Officer and Experience Certificate (in original) at the Bar to be signed by the President/Secretary of the High
Court/District Bar Association and countersigned by The Registrar General of the High Court/Principal District Judge of Civil Courts or any other equivalent authority.
6. Photocopy of the caste certificate issued by the District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner or by competent authority verified and countersigned by the District
Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner ( in case of reserved category only) duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
7. Photocopy of the domicile certificate issued by the competent authority in case of claiming reservation, duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
8. Photocopy of the Handicapped certificate issued by the competent authority in case of Handicapped candidate, duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to fill up the existing vacancies, the vacancies as may occur in future, on temporary basis of the following posts :-
(i) Assistants (Post Code 01) - Pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800/- with grade pay of Rs.4600/- (ii) Assistant Librarian (Post Code 02)- Pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800/- with grade pay of Rs. 4200/
(iii) Cashier (Post Code 03) - Pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800/- with grade pay of Rs. 4200/-
(iv) Typist (Post Code 04) - Pay scale of Rs. 5200-20200/- with grade pay of Rs. 2400/
(v) Legal Assistant (Post Code 05) - Pay scale of Rs. 9300-34800/- with grade pay of Rs.4600/-
Candidates should submit separate application for each post in the prescribed format given below, addressed to the Registrar General, Jharkhand High Court, Ranchi by Registered post/Speed post only. The last date for receipt of application is 09.11.2012.
1.For Post code 01 :- Graduate from recognized University having knowledge of working on computers with sound knowledge of Typing in computers
For Post code 02 :- Graduate and Degree in Library Science from a University.
For Post Code 03 :- Commerce/Economics Graduate from a University.
For Post Code 04:- Graduate from a University having Typing speed 40 words per minute in English and/or 30 words per minute in Hindi.
For Post Code 05 :- Law Graduate from any recognized University having the experience of at least three years practice as a Lawyer.
2. The candidates should possess sound health, good moral character and should not be involved in or related to any criminal case or any type involving moral turpitude.
3. For Post Code 01 to 04 :- The candidates must be above 18 years of age as on the 01.09.2012 but not more than the age of 35 years in case of General Category, 37 years
in case of E.B.C(B.C-I) & B.C(B.C-II) Category, 38 years in case of Female (General, E.B.C. & B.C.) and 40 years in case of S.C./S.T/PH Category.
For Post Code 05 :- The candidates must be above 25 years of age as on the 01.09.2012 but not more than the age of 35 years in case of General Category, 38 years
in case of E.B.C(B.C-I) & B.C(B.C-II). Category and 40 years in case of S.C./S.T/PH. Category.
4. Reservation policy of the State Government will apply and the benefit of same shall be given to the candidates belonging the State of Jharkhand only. The candidates of the
other State in the Reserved Category shall be treated as General Category candidate.
ENCLOSURES: Candidates are required to enclose:-
1. For Post Code 01 to 05 :- Original Bank Draft of Rs.500/-(Five Hundred only) for General category, E.B.C. (Schedule I), B.C. (Schedule II) and Rs. 125/- (One
Hundred twenty five only) for S.C and S.T. category, drawn on any Nationalized Bank payable at Ranchi in favour of Registrar General, Jharkhand High Court, Ranchi, towards the payment of examination fee.
2. Three recent passport size photographs (including one, duly attested by Gazetted Officer), should be affixed on the application form.
3. One self addressed unstamped envelope of 10X4½ Cm.
4. For the post code no. 01 to 05 :- Photocopy of the Matriculation Certificate in proof of date of birth duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
5. For the post code no. 01 :- Photocopy of the Provisional/ Original Certificate of Graduation from a recognized University along with a Certificate of Diploma in Computer
Application from a recognized Institute both duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
For the post code no. 02 :- Photocopy of the Provisional/Original Certificate of Graduation with photocopy of Provisional/Original Certificate showing Degree in
Library Science from a recognized University, both duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
For the post code no. 03 :- Photocopy of the Provisional/Original Certificate of Commerce/Economics Graduation from a recognized University duly attested by a
Gazetted Officer.
For the post code no. 04 :- Photocopy of the Provisional/ Original Certificate of Graduation from a recognized University and Photocopy of the Typing Certificate
both duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
For the post code 05 :- Photocopy of the Provisional/ Original Certificate of LL.B. from a recognized University, Photocopy of the certificate regarding enrollment in
the Bar Council both duly attested by a Gazetted Officer and Experience Certificate (in original) at the Bar to be signed by the President/Secretary of the High
Court/District Bar Association and countersigned by The Registrar General of the High Court/Principal District Judge of Civil Courts or any other equivalent authority.
6. Photocopy of the caste certificate issued by the District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner or by competent authority verified and countersigned by the District
Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner ( in case of reserved category only) duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
7. Photocopy of the domicile certificate issued by the competent authority in case of claiming reservation, duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
8. Photocopy of the Handicapped certificate issued by the competent authority in case of Handicapped candidate, duly attested by a Gazetted Officer.
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