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Written By fresher2expert on Monday, October 22, 2012 | 11:38 AM

Notification No:10414/2007/RECT/CPE/H3 Dated: 08-10-2012
General Recruitment in Prohibition & Excise Department
for the post of Prohibition and Excise Constable -2012
1 Introduction :
1.1.1 Government of Andhra Pradesh have accorded permission to fill up 2606 posts of Prohibition &
Excise Constables through District Selection Committees, vide G.O.Ms.No.1217, Revenue (Excise-
I) Department, Dated:30-11-2009 and G.O. MS. No. 395 Revenue (Ex-I) Department, dt: 19.6.2012.
1.2 The district wise vacancy position as on 1-7-2012 is as follows.
Name of the
District wise vacancy position (roster wise)
as on 1.7.2012 Prohibition & Excise Constable in Andhra Pradesh
1 SRIKAKULAM 10 5 5 16 8 8 4 2 0 6 3 1 1 2 1 8 2 82
2 VIZIANAGARAM 25 11 1 8 4 2 2 4 2 5 4 0 1 5 2 2 0 78
3 VISAKHAPATNAM 41 23 4 17 9 5 3 9 4 9 5 1 1 8 3 7 2 151
4 EAST GODAVARI 23 13 2 9 5 4 1 4 2 5 4 1 1 4 1 8 3 90
5 WEST GODAVARI 27 16 2 10 6 7 3 5 2 6 4 1 0 5 2 5 2 103
6 KRISHNA 73 37 4 24 11 13 5 13 4 17 10 3 0 11 5 8 2 240
7 GUNTUR 24 11 2 7 4 6 3 6 2 4 3 1 0 4 2 2 1 82
8 ONGOLE 3 1 0 2 1 6 0 4 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 5 1 27
9 NELLORE 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
10 CHITTOOR 77 42 4 23 14 11 6 14 5 14 10 1 1 15 5 6 1 249
11 ANANTAPUR 64 32 4 20 11 6 4 8 4 10 10 2 1 9 4 6 3 198
12 KADAPA 28 10 1 9 4 2 2 3 2 5 3 0 1 4 2 3 1 80
13 KURNOOL 28 16 1 5 5 4 3 4 2 5 3 1 0 2 2 3 0 84
14 WARANGAL 8 3 0 10 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 3 0 6 0 38
15 KHAMMAM 45 20 0 14 7 4 4 5 6 7 4 0 1 8 2 0 0 127
16 ADILABAD 40 21 2 15 7 6 3 8 3 9 6 1 1 6 3 5 1 137
17 KARIMNAGAR 44 22 4 14 7 7 3 7 2 8 5 1 1 6 3 3 2 139
18 MAHABOOBNAGAR 46 21 3 14 7 6 2 8 3 8 5 0 2 7 3 4 2 141
19 NALGONDA 23 9 2 6 3 3 2 4 2 4 4 1 0 5 1 1 1 71
20 MEDAK 49 22 2 17 7 7 3 7 3 11 5 0 2 7 2 5 1 150
21 NIZAMABAD 20 12 2 7 4 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 50
22 RANGAREDDY 56 32 3 18 9 11 4 10 3 12 7 3 0 10 4 8 2 192
23 HYDERABAD 26 15 2 8 5 6 2 8 1 7 4 1 1 5 1 3 1 96
Total 780 394 50 273 139 125 61 136 53 157 101 20 15 126 49 99 28 2606
*The above vacancy position is subject to change without any prior intimation, depending on the
exigencies and adjustment of APSP Constables allotted to districts as per presidential order.
Further 265 vacancies will be kept vacant and shall not be filled up, as per the orders of
Hon’ble High Court of A.P. , subject to the outcome of the W.Ps. pending in this regard.
1.3 The scale of pay : Rs 7960 - Rs 23650/-
1.3.1 The application fee is Rs.300/- for all categories and for SC/ST category it is Rs. 150/-. The
applicant has to follow the general instructions for payment of fee and fill up the application through
online. SCs/STs belonging to other states are not entitled for fee concession.
2 Qualifications:
2.1 Educational Qualifications: S.S.C or its equivalent examination passed as on 1-07-2012.
As per G.O. Ms.No. 282 GAD, Dt 20-09-2003, in the case of candidates who possess higher
qualification, without the prescribed qualification of SSC will also be considered along with the
candidates who have prescribed qualification.
2.2 Physical Requirement:
For Men: (i) Height shall not be less than 165 cm.
(ii) Chest shall not be less than 81 cm, round the chest on full expiration, with a
Minimum expansion of 5 cm
In the case of candidates belonging to S.T Category, where the required quota cannot
be fully utilized for want of sufficient candidates possessing the requisite height, a height
relaxation up to 5 cm, may be given for such candidates; subject to the condition that height shall
not be less than 160 cm.
For Women:
(i) Height shall not be less than 152.5 cm
(ii) Weight shall not be less than 45.5kg
2.3 Visual Standards:
(i) Right Eye : Near vision 0.5 (Snellen) Distant 6/6
(ii) Left Eye : Near vision 0.5 (Snellen) Distant 6/6
Candidates with Color blindness, squint or any bordlid condition of the eyes of lids of either eye,
knock-knees, pigeon chest, flat foot, varicose veins, hammertoes, fractured limbs or decayed
teeth are not eligible.
2.4 Age: Applicants shall have a minimum age of (18) years and shall not be more than a maximum
age of (30) years as on 1.7.2012 (Refer G.O.Ms.No.74, G.A. (Ser.A) Department,
Dated: 13-02-08)
2.5 Relaxation in age :
2.5.1 Five years of age relaxation on the maximum age of (30 years) is allowed for the candidates
belonging to the categories of S.C., S.T. & B.C. (Refer Rule 12 (1) (b) of A.P. State and subordinate
services rules, 1996)
2.5.2 There shall be age relaxation for the Ex-servicemen. The maximum age relaxation given to the
Ex-servicemen shall be total number of years of service rendered therein plus three years, subject
to the condition that the maximum age of such candidates shall not exceed 39 years as on
2.5.3 As per the orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal No. 604/2000 and
915/2000 dated 23.04.2003, and as per the consequential G.O. Ms. No. 1217 Rev (Ex-I) dated
30-11-2009 all candidates who appeared for interview during 1994, herein after referred to as
1994 candidates, may also apply for the recruitment in relaxation of the upper age limit. But they
shall satisfy other eligibility conditions and requirements, including qualification and will have to
undergo the entire process of the recruitment , with the same level of physical Qualifying /
Efficiency tests and written tests.
In order to ensure that the age relaxation , as mentioned above is extended to the
intended candidates only, such applicants shall produce evidence of having appeared for the
interview during 1994 recruitment i.e. either 1. Hall Ticket OR 2. Interview call letter
2.5.4. As per the orders of the Hon’ble High Court Dt. 20-09-2010 in WP MP No.29539/2010 in WP
No.23152/2010, all the 265 writ petitioners who have instituted 5 Writ petitions bearing Nos.
23152/2010, 23931/2010, 23932/2010, 25398/2010 and 30110/2010 shall be entitled to
participate in selection process in relaxation of the upper age limit and attend all the tests
to be conducted including Physical fitness test, if they so desire.
3. How to apply:
3.1 A district wise notification calling for applications will be issued by the concerned District Collector
against the vacancies available as on 1-7-2012. The candidates may apply in any one District only.
If the candidate chooses to apply in other than his/her local Dist. , then he / she will be considered
as non-local in that District.
Interested candidates may apply online from 10.30A.M. onwards, on 15-10-2012 till 5 P.M. on 05-
11-2012, which is last date for receipt of applications.
3.2 The website for applying is The candidates may access the website from
anywhere. The candidates may apply directly by accessing the website or may avail the services
being offered by e-seva, aponline, mee-seva centers. The applicant has to pay application fee at eseva,
aponline or mee-seva centers only. The application fee is Rs.300/- for OC and BC category
candidates, and, for SC/ST category the application fee is Rs. 150/- . The applicant will have to
give the basic data e.g. name in full and Date of birth as mentioned in SSC certificate. SC/ST
candidates belonging to other states are not eligible for fee concession. The candidates have to
make sure that they are eligible as per the eligibility criteria, before payment of fee only, as fee
once paid will not be refunded.
3.3 Upon payment of requisite application fee and submission of basic data the applicant can obtain a
print-out of the acknowledgement receipt containing a Journal Number.
3.4 After obtaining the receipt with Journal Number the prospective candidates must log on to , again to fill up the application form by using the Journal number, on his own
or by availing services being rendered by e-seva, aponline, mee-seva or any other internet centers,
upload the application along with signed colour pass port size photograph and register for
Prohibition & Excise Constable Recruitment Test 2012. In the website they will have to fill up all the
details in the application form in the format provided in Annexure I.
3.5 Candidates are advised to go through the entire notification and other information provided on the
website: and fill up the application along with the signed colour passport size
photograph. They can and should have a preview before submitting the application. After the
candidate has satisfied himself on preview, he should take a printout of the same, after submitting
the application and preserve it, till the end of the recruitment process. The candidates will have to
pay the service charges to e-seva, aponline or mee-seva centers for the services rendered, on
their own.
3.6 The particulars furnished by the applicant in the application through online will be taken as final
and no change will be allowed, thereafter. Candidates should therefore be careful in filling up the
3.7 Before filling the application form the candidate should carefully examine his /her eligibility for the
examination. If any incorrect/ false/bogus or unconnected information is furnished, the candidate
will be disqualified and he is also liable for Criminal Action. Further if such instances go
undetected during the current selection process but are detected in subsequent years, such
disqualification will take place with retrospective effect. Action will also be initiated u/s 40(A) of AP
Excise Act 1968 for which the imprisonment is up to 3 years.
4. Procedure of Selection: The applicants have to undergo three stages of tests.
4.1 Preliminary Qualifying Test: The PQT constitutes a ‘run’ of 4 km for men and 2 km for women. The
men have to complete the run within 20 minutes and the women within 13 minutes. Since PQT is a
qualifying test only, no marks will be awarded. The candidates qualified in PQT will be
acknowledged with a date, time and venue to appear for PET.
4.2 Physical Efficiency Test: PET constitutes two levels of scrutiny and five events of physical tests.
The 1st level of scrutiny is Physical Measurement Test and the candidates who possess required
physical measurements as illustrated at para 2 will be allowed to the second level of scrutiny i.e.,
the verification of certificates. After the scrutiny of bonafides, the qualified candidates will be
allowed to undergo PET as follows (5 events for men and 3 events for women). They have to clear
all the events. If any candidate gets disqualified in any of these events, he/she will not be allowed
to participate in rest of events and no request of ‘another chance to participate’ will be entertained.
Sl. No Item/Events Qualifying
Time/ Distance for Men
(5 Events)
Time/ Distance for
Women (3 Events)
1 100 meters run 15.0 Seconds 18.0Seconds
2 High Jump 1.20 Meters ----
3 Long Jump 3.80 Meters 2.75 Meters
4 Shot put 7.26Kgs / 5.60 Meters 4 Kgs/4.5 meters
5 800 meters Run 2 minutes 50 seconds -----
4.3 Written Test:
The candidates who qualify in the Physical Efficiency Test will have to appear for a Written Test,
which will consist of 100 objective questions (to be answered in 2 hours). The breakup of total 100
questions, for the written test is as given below:
Subject Marks
PART – I: General Aptitude
A. Numerical Ability
B. Reasoning ability
25 marks
25 marks
PART – II: General Knowledge
A. Section
Andhra Pradesh History &
15 marks
B. Section
Civics and Current Affairs 15 marks
C. Section
General Science
20 marks
The level of questions will be of S.S.C standard. The candidate will be allowed to take the exam in
any of the three languages viz., English, Telugu or Urdu. The candidate shall mention their option of
language in the application itself. Thereafter, no request for change in language of examination will
be allowed. Since there may be a plausible incompatibility among the interpretations of questions in
3 different languages, questions in English language will be taken as standard.
4.3.1 The candidates who possess any NCC Certificates (i.e. either A, B or C Certificate) will be awarded
additional 3 (three) marks, to be added to the marks secured in the written examination for the
purpose of preparation of Merit List.
(In case of possession of more than one certificate, or any level of certificate, the additional marks to
be awarded are only 3 and no additional marks will be awarded for higher level of or more no. of
4.3.2 Ranking of the candidates: The marks secured in the written exam will be the basis for ranking of
the candidates. The additional marks, if any, as per 4.3.1 will be added to the marks scored in the
written test while deciding the rank. In case of tie, i.e. two or more candidates secure same marks,
the following parameters will be followed to decide the ranks, therein:
i. When two or more candidates secure equal aggregate marks, the candidate who scores
highest marks in Part-II :General Knowledge, will be given higher ranking.
ii. In the case of equal marks in Part-II: General Knowledge as well, the higher ranking will be
given to those who score higher marks in Sec. C : General Science of the Part-II.
iii. In the case of equal marks in both Part-II: General Knowledge and Sec. C of Part-II i.e.
General Science, the candidates who score higher marks in Sec. B of Part-II i.e. Civics and
current affairs will be ranked higher.
iv. In the event of equal marks in Sec. B of Part-II i.e. ‘Civics and current affairs’ as well, the
Age/Date of Birth will be taken into account. Higher rank will be given to the candidate of more
5. Important legal provisions governing the recruitment process:
5.1 Legal Provisions & Rules regarding “ Local candidates”:
5.1.1 Definition of local candidate: Local candidates means a candidate for direct recruitment to
any post in relation to that Local area where he/she studied in Educational Institution(s) for
not less than four consecutive academic years prior to and including the year in which he
/she appeared for S.S.C or its equivalent examination. If however, he /she has not studied in
any educational institution during the above four years period, it is enough if he /she resided
in that area which is claimed as his /her local area during the above said period.
5.1.2 In case the candidate is not covered by above provision, his/ her Local candidature will be
considered, if he/ she has studied for a period of not less than seven years prior to and inclusive of
the year in which he/she has studied for the maximum period out of the said period of seven years. If
the period of his/her study in two or more local areas is equal, in such cases, the local area where
he /she has studied last (in such local area ) will be taken for determining the local candidature.
Similarly, place of residence during the above period will be taken into consideration and local
candidature determined with reference to the maximum period of residence or in the case of equal
period where he/she has resided last.
5.1.3 If the claim for local candidature is based on study, the candidate is required to produce a study
certificate from the Educational Institution(s) where he/she studied during the said 4/7-years period.
In the case of private study, the candidate is required to produce proof of residence.
5.1.4 Proof of residence: the candidate has to produce any one of the documents viz., Ration card,
Electoral photo Identity card, driving license, passport, bank passbook, pattedar pass book,
electricity bill etc., Apart from proof of residence, the candidate needs to produce residence
certificate obtained from the Tahsildar concerned to prove that the candidate resided in the area for
4/7 years immediately preceding SSC.
5.1.5 If the candidate studied in more than one district, the local district status will be decided by maximum
number of years of study in 7 years immediately preceding SSC.
5.1.6 Residence Certificate will not be accepted, if a candidate has studied in any educational Institution
up to S.S.C or equivalent examination. Such candidates have to produce study certificates invariably.
5.2 Other Legal Provisions:
5.2.1 Rules: All the candidates are informed that the conditions and criteria prescribed are hereby
governed by the A.P. Excise Sub-Ordinate Service Rules, 1998. Any guidelines or clarifications
shall be based on the said Rules, and in case of necessity, any matter will be processed as per the
AP State Subordinate Service Rules, General and Special Rules in force.
5.2.2 Caste and Community: Community Certificate issued by the competent authority must be submitted
at the appropriate time. BC, SC and ST categories belonging to other states are not entitled for
5.2.3 Candidates whose parent’s income, from all sources, is more than Rs 4.00 Lakhs per annum come
under ‘Creamy Layer’. Candidates claiming reservation under BC category must submit the
certificate of exclusion from competent authority (Tahasildar) as per G.O. MS No.3, BC Welfare(C-2)
Dept dated 4.4.2006.
The claim of reservation under BC-E category will be subject to the adjudications of the litigation
before the Honorable Courts, if any.
5.2.4 ‘Local”, “Non-Local” Candidates: In terms of A.P. Public Employment (Organization of Local Cadres
and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order 1975. Out of the total vacancies notified in a district, the
first 20% of posts are open for ‘Local’ and ‘Non-Local’ candidates and remaining 80% of the posts
are to be filled with the ‘Local’ Candidates, based on merit following rule of reservation.
5.2.5 The District Selection Committee is also empowered to invoke the penal provisions of the A.P. Public
Examination (Prevention of malpractices and unfair means) Act, 25/97 and for matters connected
there with or incidental thereto in respect of this Notification.
5.2.6 Rule of Special representation: General Rule (22) shall apply to the appointments made. 33.33% of
vacancies shall be filled up with women in each of the categories of O.C., B.C.(A), B.C.(B),
B.C.(C); B.C.(D); B.C.(E); S.Cs, S.Ts and meritorious sportsman quota.
5.2.7 Claims to Reservation under meritorious sportsman quota will be admissible only as per the
definition of ‘Meritorious Sportsman’, which, as per Rule 2 (19) of AP State and Subordinate services
rules, 1996, means ‘a sportsman who has represented the State or the Country in a national or
international competition or Universities in the Inter-University tournaments conducted by the Inter-
University Boards or the State School team in the national sports/games for schools conducted by
the All India School Games Federation in any of the games, sports mentioned below ; and any other
games/sports as may be specified by the Government from time to time :
As per G.O. Ms. No. 74 dated 9-8-2012 of Youth Advancement , Tourism and Culture (Sport)
Department, Annexure-I, the list of recognized Sports discipline for the above mentioned reservation
is as follows –
(24) CHESS
(25) KHO-KHO
(26) JUDO
(29) BODY BUILDING (Uniform Services like Police, Excise etc).
5.2.8 Claims to the status of ‘Ex Servicemen’ will be admissible only as per the definition of ‘Ex
Servicemen’ as defined at Rule 2 (16) of AP State and Subordinate Services Rules, 1996
5.2.9 Physically handicapped persons are not eligible in terms of rule 4 of AP Prohibition and Excise
Subordinate Service rules 1998 which states: ‘(i) Except in so far as it relates to physically
handicapped persons, the rule of special representation (Genl. Rule 22 of Andhra Pradesh State and
Sub-ordinate Service Rules) shall apply to appointments made by direct recruitment to all categories
for which there is a provision for direct recruitment.
6 General Instructions:
6.1 The candidates must note that his/her admission to the examination is strictly provisional. The mere
fact that the candidate is allowed to write the examination does not imply that his/her candidature has
been finally cleared by the District Selection Committee or that the entries made by the candidate in
his /her application have been accepted by the District Selection Committee as true and correct.
6.2 The applicant must compulsorily fill-up all the relevant columns of the application and submit
application online only.
6.3 The application received online in the prescribed format shall only be considered. There is no other
mode of application than Online. Paper application will not be accepted.
6.4 The applicants need not upload any certificates.
6.5 The candidate shall furnish a color pass port size photograph duly signed which he/she submitted
online at the time of PET. Failure to produce the same photograph at the time of interview/verification
may lead to disqualification. Hence the candidates are advised not to change the photograph till the
recruitment process is completed.
6.6 The candidates who are participating in PQT and PET are taking part at their own risk and solely
responsible for any consequences arising during such period and after the tests as well.
6.7 The candidates are advised to get themselves medically examined by a certified doctor, so as to
ensure their medical fitness, to participate in PQT and PET.
6.8 The candidates shall bring original certificates along with one set of attested copies for verification
at the time of PMT/PET, failing which he will not be allowed.
6.9 The candidates should go through the instructions given on the cover page of test booklet and
carefully write his/her Registration Number (Regn. No.), Centre etc., in the Answer Sheet, which will
be provided to him/her in the examination hall.
6.10 Since the answer sheets are to be scanned (valued) with Optical Mark Reading system, the
candidates have to use Ball Pen (black or blue ink only) for marking the answers and bring smooth
writing pad to fill up relevant columns on the Answer Sheet. The candidate must ensure encoding the
Subject, Regn. No. etc., on the OMR Answer sheet correctly, failing which the answer sheet will be
rejected and will not be valued.
6.11 The Candidates should satisfy the invigilator of his identity with reference to the signature and
photograph. The candidates claiming candidature under 2.5.3 must produce the hall ticket or
interview call letter as an evidence.
6.12 The candidates should occupy their allotted seats 30 minutes before the commencement of the
examination and will not to be allowed into the examination hall after commencement of the
examination. They should not leave the examination hall till expiry of full time. The candidates will not
be allowed to use calculators in the examination hall. Loaning and interchanging of articles among
the candidates are not permitted in the examination hall. Cell phones and other electronic gadgets
are not allowed in the examination hall and candidates in possession of these will be liable for
6.13 The Candidates are expected to behave in orderly and disciplined manner while writing the
examination. If any candidate takes away Answer sheet, the candidature will be rejected and in case
of impersonation / disorderly/unruly behavior during Written Examination, necessary criminal
proceedings will be initiated, apart from disqualifying for any recruitment test, current or in future.
Candidates trying to use unfair means shall be disqualified from the selection. No correspondence
whatsoever will be entertained from the candidates. The candidature and conditions specified here
are subject to latest rules / orders, which may come into force during the process of recruitment.
6.14 The District Selection Committee would be analyzing the responses of a candidate with those of
other candidates to detect patterns of similarity. If it is suspected that the responses have been
shared and the scores obtained are not genuine / valid, the District Selection Committee reserves the
right to cancel his / her candidature and to invalidate the answer sheet.
6.15 If the candidate noticed any discrepancy printed on Hall ticket as to community, date of birth etc.,
they must immediately bring the same to the notice of the District Selection Committee Official/ Chief
Superintendent of the exam centre and necessary corrections be made in the Nominal Roll for being
verified by the District Selection Committee Office.
6.16 The candidates shall attend the tests on the allotted date only. He will not be allowed to participate
on any other date.
6.17 The candidates are advised to be beware of touts.
6.18 The District Selection Committee reserves the right to create centers for examination and also to call
the candidates for the test at any other centre.
7 Appointment: The merit list will be prepared on the basis of total marks secured in the descending
order and shall form the basis for final selection of the candidates. The list so prepared will be
approved by the Committee. The merit list will be prepared following the provisions mentioned in
Para 4.3.1 and 4.3.2. Based on the merit list the candidates will be informed of the provisional
selection for appointment to the post of Prohibition & Excise Constable. The provisional selection of
appointment is subject to verification of original certificates of education, caste, local status and
medical fitness. The medical fitness certificates are to be issued by the Medical Officer not below the
rank of Civil Asst Surgeon. The appointment of S.T. candidates will be subject to the verification of
the certificates by the Director of Tribal Welfare. In case any of the selected candidates fail to report
within the specified time as per AP Sub-ordinate service rules 1996, their provisional selection shall
be liable for cancellation.
The announcement of the result of the Recruitment process and appointment orders to the
selected persons will be subject to the outcomes of the batch of Writ petitions pending before the
Hon’ble High Court of A.P.
8 Decision of the District Selection Committee is final : The decision of the District Selection
Committee in all aspects/ respects pertaining to the application and on its acceptance or rejection as
the case may be, conduct of examination and all subsequent stages culminating in the selection or
otherwise of any candidate shall be final. The District Selection Committee reserves the right to alter
and modify the time schedule and conditions laid down in the Notification for conducting the various
stages of selection, duly intimating the same to the concerned, warranted by any unforeseen
circumstances arising during the course of the selection process or as deemed necessary by the
District Selection Committee.
Application no. ________________________
(To be filled in by the office)
Application form for the post of Prohibition and Excise Constable.
Self Attested colour photograph
1. Please fill the application form after carefully reading the
1. a. Name of the district applying for:
(You can apply for one District only)
b. Mention the Gazette no. of the Notification for the
c. Do you claim local status with respect to the above
Mentioned district or Applying in open (non-local)
d. If applying in open category, then mention the
District, you belong to.
c. Language chosen to write the written examination English/Telugu/Urdu
2. Name of the candidate (Full Name , including surname, in capital letters)
3. Father’s name/husband name (in capital letters)
4. Gender (write ‘1’ for male ‘2’ for female)
5. Date of birth (as per SSC Certificate) Date month year
6. Community of candidate (SC/ST/BC/OC)
7. Do you come under creamy layer (For BC Candidates only) (yes or no)
( G.O.Ms No 3, BC Welfare (C-2) Dept. Dated 4.4.2006)
8. Do you have required physical measurement in Height & chest for men/
Height & Weight for women (yes or no)
9. Do you claim meritorious sportsman quota in terms of
(as per Rules 22 and 2 (14) of AP State & Subordinate Rules 1996
& G.O. Ms. No. 74 dated 9-8-2012 of Youth Advancement , Tourism and Culture (Sport) Department, )
If yes, select the applicable following Category:
1. Represented India in an international Competition in one of the recognized games/sports
2. Represented State in India in a National Competition in one of the recognized games/sports
3. Represented a University in the Inter-University Competition in one of the recognized games/sports
4. Represented state school team in the National Games for School in one of the recognized
10. Do you claim reservation under Ex-Service men quota?
a. yes or no
b. If yes provide the details as below
i. Have you discharged as on the date of notification
ii. yes or no
If discharged, furnish, the following details as on date of notification
Date Month Year
A. Date of entry
B. Date of discharge
C. Total service rendered
11. If applying as local candidate, furnish the following details:
a. Study details from 4th class to 10th class.
Class Name and place of school Duration of study
giving month & year
Name of the
District code
X or SSC
12. The following details shall be furnished by the candidates who appeared for recruitment during 1994:
1. Have you attended the interview during 1994
recruitment If yes, H.T. No:
2. Are you the petitions in WP No. s 23152, 23931,
23932 of 2010, If yes, W.P. No:
13. Postal address in full:
Father’s name___________________________________________
H/no:______________________Street name:_________________
Village: _____________________Mandal ____________________
District: ____________________Pin Code_____________________
14. Mobile no. _____________
15. E-mail ID _______________
16. List of certificates to be produced at the time of PET
a. SSC or Equivalent certificate :
b. Community certificate :
c. Application cum certificate of creamy layer status for
BC Candidates only :
d. Proof of residence certificate :
e. Ex-service men certificate. :
f. NCC certificates (A, B, C Certificate) :
g. Study certificates (from class IV to X class)
h. Sports Certificates in terms of Rule 22 & 2 (14) of AP State & Subordinate services
Rules 1996 and per G.O. Ms. No. 74 dated 9-8-2012 of Youth Advancement , Tourism and
Culture (Sport) Department,
i. Other documents if any :
Declaration of the candidate
I have read the provisions in the rules and instructions issued in the notification of the Prohibition &
Excise Constable Recruitment 2012 carefully and hereby undertake to abide by them. I further declare that I
have not been debarred from appearing in any examination.
I declare that I fulfill all the conditions of eligibility regarding age limits, educational qualification etc
prescribed for admission to the examination. I also declare that I have the required physical measurements as
per para 2.2 of Notification.
I declare that I am fully fit to compete in the PQT, PET and other physical tests and I further declare that
I have got myself medically checked up by a certified doctor in this regard, and that if any untoward incident
occurs during the course of PQT, PET or any tests I shall be solely responsible and I declare that I am
participating in all the above tests on my own accord and on my own, without any coercion from anybody.
I hereby declare that all statements made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any information being found to be false or incorrect
or incomplete and that I have suppressed any information or that I do not satisfy the eligibility criteria, my
candidature for the selection is liable to be rejected or cancelled and even after appointment my services are
liable to be terminated without any notice. I am willing to serve the department and will serve anywhere in the
state on duty if selected.
Note: 1. If any incorrect false/bogus or unconnected information is furnished, the candidature of the applicant,
whenever instances come to the knowledge and the selection process will lead to disqualification of the
candidate from the selection process and he/she will not be allowed to appear for further examination liable for
Criminal Action, and also liable for punishment u/s 40(A) of AP Excise Act 1968 with imprisonment upto three
years . Further if such instances go undetected during the current selection process but are detected in
subsequent years, such disqualification will take place with retrospective effect.
2. The candidates shall bring original certificates along with one set of attested Xerox for verification at the time
of PET. Those who have not furnished the original certificates along with one set of Xerox copy for verification
will not be allowed for participation in PET.
Annexure-II (online generation)
Acknowledgement for receipt of application.
Received Application No. from Sri/ Kumari / Smt ……………………………… for
selection to the post of Prohibition and Excise Constable in _________________ District.
Note I: The candidates who are participating in PQT and PET shall be taking part on their own risk and no one
is responsible for any consequences caused during the course of these tests.
The candidates are advised to get themselves medically examined by a certified doctor to ensure
fitness before participating in PQT and PET or any other tests Prescribed for selection.
The candidates shall bring original certificates along with one set of attested Xerox for verification at the
time of PMT/PET. Those who fail to furnish the original along with one set of Xerox copies for
verification will not be allowed for participation in PMT/PET.
Note II: No signature is required as it is computer generated receipt and online generation.
Annexure - III
CANDIDATE COPY/Official copy
for attending PQT & PET tests
(Not valid for written examination)
___________________________ District Application No._____________________
(to be filled in by office only)
Identity Card
(Candidate copy) for the posts of Prohibition & Excise Constable (Men) &
(Women) in Prohibition & Excise Department
Photo graph transferred
from 1. Name of the Candidate : application form
2. Signature of the Candidate
3. Signature of the in-charge officer
4. Identification Marks
5. Details of the Tests:
Physical Qualifying Test (4
KM Men/ 2 KM Women)
Date & Time Venue of the Test Result
Signature of the incharge officer Signature of the Candidate
Physical Efficiency Test
Date & Time Venue of the Test Result
Signature of the incharge officer Signature of the Candidate
Q - Qualified NQ – Not qualified NP – Not participated
Note: The candidates who are participating in PQT and PET are taking part on their own risk and no one is
liable for any consequences caused during the course of these tests, as declared by them in the application.
The candidate shall bring one Photo Identity card. Viz., Voter Card, Driving license, Ration Card having his/her
photographs to disclose his/her identity.
The candidates shall bring original certificates along with one set of attested Xerox copies for verification as per
the information submitted at the time of PMT/PET. Those who fail to furnish the originals along with one set of
attested Xerox copies for verification will not be allowed to participate in PMT/PET.
Annexure-IV (online generation)
(Valid for written examination only)
___________________________ District Application No._____________________
(to be filled in by office only)
Hall Ticket for Written Examination
(Candidate copy) for the posts of Prohibition & Excise Constable (Men) &
(Women) in Prohibition & Excise Department Photo graph transferred
from application form
1. Name of the Candidate
2. Father’s /husband name
3. Place of examination
4. Identification Marks
5. Place of Examination
6. Date of Examination
7. Time of the examination
Signature of the competent authority:
Instructions to the candidate:
1. The candidates should go through the instructions given on the cover page of test booklet and carefully
write his/her Register Number, Centre etc., in the Answer Sheet, which will be provided to him/her in the
examination hall.
2. Candidate should arrive at least one hour before to the venue with hall ticket and items required for
writing the examination. The candidates should occupy their allotted seats 30 minutes before the
commencement of the examination and will not to be allowed into the examination hall after
commencement of the examination. They should not leave the examination hall till expiry of full time.
3. Since the answer sheets are to be scanned (valued) with Optical Mark Reading system, the candidates
have to use Ball Pen (blue or black only) FOR MARKING THE ANSWERS. The candidates should
bring, Ball Pen (blue or black) and smooth writing pad to fill up relevant boxes/columns on the Answer
Sheet. The candidate must ensure encoding the Subject, Register No. etc., on the OMR Answer sheet
correctly, failing which the answer sheet will be rejected and will not be valued. Correction of answer
with whitener may entail rejection treating it as multiple answers. Hence make sure before bubbling.
4. Carrying mobiles/calculators or any electronic gadgets in the examination hall is prohibited
5. Use of whitener/blade is prohibited in OMR Sheet for making corrections.
6. The Candidates should satisfy the invigilator of his identity with reference to the signature and
7. The candidates will not be allowed to use calculators in the examination hall. Loaning and interchanging
of articles among the candidates is not permitted in the examination hall. Electronic Gadgets are not
allowed in the examination hall and candidates in possession of these will be liable for disqualification.
8. The Candidates are expected to behave in orderly and disciplined manner while writing the
examination. If any candidate takes away Answer sheet, the candidature will be rejected and in case of
impersonation / disorderly /unruly behavior during Written Examination, such candidates are liable for
criminal prosecution apart from being disqualified for this recruitment test, current or in future, Merit is
the only criteria that will decide the selections. Candidates trying to use unfair means shall be
disqualified from the selection. No correspondence whatsoever will be entertained from the candidates.
The candidature and conditions specified here are subject to latest rules / orders which may come into
force during the process of recruitment.
9. The District Selection Committee would be analyzing the responses of a candidate with other appeared
candidates to detect patterns of similarity. If it is suspected that the responses have been shared and
the scores obtained are not genuine / valid, the District Selection Committee reserves the right to cancel
his / her candidature and to invalidate the Answer Sheet.
10. If the candidate noticed any discrepancy printed on Hall ticket as to community, date of birth etc., they
must immediately bring the same to the notice of District Selection Committee Official/ Chief
Superintendent in the exam centre and necessary corrections be made in the Nominal Roll for being
verified by the District Selection Committee Office.
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