New Delhi - 110067
ADVT. NO. RC/44/2012
The JNU has openings for faculty positions at the level of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant
Professor for its various Schools/Centres and Special Centres. The Scale of Pay and Essential
Qualifications are as per UGC Regulations 2010. For details of desirable qualifications/specializations,
and other terms and conditions, please see JNU website www.jnu.ac.in.
Professor: ……………. Rs. 37400-67000 (PB-4) AGP Rs. 10,000/-
Associate Professor: .... Rs. 37400-67000 (PB-4) AGP Rs. 9,000/-
Assistant Professor: …. Rs. 15600-39100 (PB-3) AGP Rs. 6,000/-
Post Nos. Schools/Centres of Studies Post UR SC ST Total
01 Professor - 1 - 01
School of Arts and Aesthetics
Visual Studies Associate Professor 1 - 1 02
04-06 Theatre and Performance
Associate Professor 2 1 03
07-08 Professor 1 - 1 02
Cinema Studies/SAA
Associate Professor 2 1 1 04
13-16 Professor 2 2 04
School of Computer and
Systems Sciences Associate Professor 1 - 1 02
19-22 School of Biotechnology Associate Professor 2 2 - 04
23 Professor 1 - - 01
School of Computational &
Integrative Sciences Associate Professor 2 2 1 05
29-32 Professor 2 2 - 04
School of Environmental
Sciences Associate Professor 1 1 - 02
35-36 Professor - 1 1 02
School of Life Sciences
Associate Professor 1 1 02
39-41 Professor 1 1 1 03
42-48 Associate Professor 4 2 1 07
School of Physical Sciences
Assistant Professor 1* - - 01
50-51 Professor 1 - 1 02
Special Centre for Nano
Sciences Associate Professor 1 1 1 03
55-56 Professor 1 1 - 02
Special Centre for Molecular
Medicine Associate Professor 3 1 1 05
62 Intellectual Property
Management Cell
Professor 1 - - 01
63 Advanced Instrumentation
Research Facility
Associate Professor - 1 - 01
64 Professor - 1 - 01
Special Centre for Sanskrit
Studies Associate Professor - 1 - 01
66-67 Professor 01 - 1 02
68-69 Associate Professor 1 1 - 02
Centre for the Study of Law
And Governance
Assistant Professor - - 1** 01
71 Academic Staff College Professor 1 - - 01
72 Professor - 1 - 01
Centre for Economic Studies
and Planning Associate Professor 1 1 02
75 Centre for Historical Studies Professor - 1 - 01
76-77 Centre for Political Studies Associate Professor - 1 1 02
78-79 Professor 1 1 - 02
Centre for the Study of Social
Systems Associate Professor 1 - - 01
81 Centre for the Study of Social
Assistant Professor Reserved for OBC 01
Post Nos. Schools/Centres of Studies Post UR SC ST Total
82 Centre for Studies in Science
Professor - 1 - 01
83-84 Professor 1 1 - 02
Centre for the Study of
Regional Development Associate Professor 1 1 02
87 Zakir Husain Centre for
Educational Studies
Professor - - 1 01
88 Centre of Social Medicine and
Community Health
Professor - 1 - 01
89 Centre for Philosophy Associate Professor - 1 - 01
90 Professor - 1 - 01
91 Associate Professor 1 - - 01
Women’s Studies Programme
Assistant Professor 1 - - 01
93 Professor 1 - - 01
Centre for the Study of
Discrimination and Exclusion Associate Professor 1 1 - 02
96-97 Professor 1 - 1 02
North East India Studies
Programme Associate Professor 1 - - 01
99-100 Professor 2 - - 02
Centre for Informal Sector &
Labour Studies Associate Professor - 2 - 02
103 Professor 1 - - 01
Centre for Media Studies
Associate Professor 2 - - 02
106-107 Centre for French and
Francophone Studies
Associate Professor 1 1 - 02
108 Associate Professor 1 - - 01
Centre for Spanish, Portuguese,
Italian & Latin American
Assistant Professor - - 1** 01
110 Professor 1 - - 01
Centre for Japanese, Korean &
North East Asian Studies Associate Professor - 1 - 01
112 Centre for Chinese & South-
East Asian Studies
Professor 1 - - 01
113 Professor - 1 - 01
114 Associate Professor - - 1 01
Centre for Linguistics
Assistant Professor - - 1 01
116-117 Centre for English Studies Associate Professor 2 - - 02
118 Centre for Persian & Central
Asian Studies
Associate Professor 1 - - 01
119 Professor 1 - - 01
120-121 Associate Professor 1 1 - 02
Centre of German Studies
Assistant Professor 1 - - 01
123 Centre of Arabic and African
Associate Professor - 1 - 01
124-128 Professor 3 1 1 05
129-131 Associate Professor 1 1 1 03
Centre of Indian Languages
Assistant Professor - 1** - 01
133-135 Professor 2 - 1 03
Centre for International Trade
and Development Associate Professor 2 - - 02
138-139 Professor 1 1 - 02
Centre for East Asian Studies
Associate Professor - 1 1 02
142-143 Centre for Comparative Politics
& Political Theory
Associate Professor 1 1 - 02
144 Centre for West Asian Studies Professor - 1 - 01
145-146 Centre for African Studies Associate Professor 1 - 1 02
147-148 Professor 1 1 - 02
Centre for International
Politics, Organization and
Associate Professor 3 2 - 05
154 Centre for South, Central,
Southeast Asian and Southwest
Pacific Studies
Associate Professor - 1 - 01
155-156 Professor - 1 1 02
Centre for Canadian, US and
Latin American Studies Associate Professor 2 - - 02
159-160 Centre for European Studies Associate Professor - 2 - 02
161-163 Centre for Russian and Central
Asian Studies
Associate Professor 1 1 1 03
164 Centre for International Legal
Professor 1 - - 01
* Temporary Leave vacancy
** Backlog reserved vacancies (Total – 02 ST/01 SC)
Interested candidates are requested to apply in the application form obtainable from the Recruitment Cell,
JNU or can be downloaded from JNU Website: www.jnu.ac.in Candidates who have applied earlier
in response to Advt. No. RC/39/2009 are required to apply afresh. Those who fail to apply afresh as
per New UGC Regulations, 2010 will have no claim whatsoever for consideration for the post(s)
applied earlier. Candidates are advised to please ensure their eligibility before applying for any post(s)
given above. Last date for submission of applications completed in all respects, shall be 30 days
from the date of advertisement which is 17th December, 2012.
NEW DELHI-110067
ADVT. NO. RC/44/2012
The JNU has openings for various faculty positions at the level of Professor, Associate Professor and
Assistant Professor in the areas of specialization as indicated against each. The specialization/desirable
qualifications, if any, are indicated against each post. The minimum essential qualifications/scales of pay
for these positions will be as per the UGC Regulations, 2010.
Candidates with good academic record, teaching/research experience and working in related areas of
research are encouraged to apply. University also solicits applications from candidates with research
interests that are interdisciplinary.
SCALE OF PAY: Rs. 37400-67000 (PB-4) AGP Rs. 10000
1. An eminent scholar with a doctoral degree in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline and
published work of high quality, and actively engaged in research with evidence of published work
with a minimum of ten publications as books and/or research/policy papers.
2. A minimum of ten years experience in post-graduate teaching, and/or research at a
University/National level institution, including experience of guiding research at doctoral level.
3. Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technologymediated
teaching process.
4. A minimum score as indicated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance
Based Appraisal System (PBAS) as set out in the UGC Regulations, 2010.
For direct recruitment of Professor in the University, consolidated API scores of 400 points is required
alongwith other specified eligibility qualifications stipulated in the Regulations 2010. Interview criterion,
out of 100 points, shall be as follows:
a) Academic Background 20%
b) Research Performance based on API score and quality of publications 40%
c) Assessment of Domain Knowledge and Teaching Skills 20%
d) Interview Performance: 20%
SCALE OF PAY: Rs. 37400-67000 (PB-4) AGP Rs. 9000
1. Good academic record with doctoral degree in concerned or allied/relevant discipline.
2. A Masters degree with at least 55% of marks or an equivalent grade of 'B' in the 7 point scale
with letter grades O, A, B, C, D, E.
3. A minimum of eight years experience of teaching and/or research in an academic/research
position equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a University/College or Accredited Research
Institution, excluding the period of doctoral research, with some distinction in the areas of
scholarship as evidenced by quality of a minimum of five publications as books and/or
research/policy papers.
4. Contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses, curricula, and technologymediated
teaching/learning process and/or evidence of having guided doctoral candidates and/or
research students.
5. A minimum score as indicated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance
Based Appraisal System (PBAS) as set out in the UGC Regulations, 2010.
For direct recruitment of Associate Professor in the University, consolidated API scores of 300 points is
required alongwith other specified eligibility qualifications stipulated in the Regulations 2010. Interview
criterion, out of 100 points, shall be as follows:
a) Academic Background 20%
b) Research Performance based on API score and quality of publications 40%
c) Assessment of Domain Knowledge and Teaching Skills 20%
d) Interview Performance: 20%
SCALE OF PAY: Rs. 15600-39100 (PB-3) AGP Rs. 6000
1. Good academic record with at least 55% marks or, an equivalent grade of 'B' in the 7 point scale
with letter grades O,A,B,C,D,E and F at the Master’s Degree level, in a relevant subject from an
Indian University, or an equivalent degree from accredited foreign University.
2. M.Phil and Ph.D. in the relevant field may be prescribed in appropriate cases, a desirable or
essential qualification. The minimum qualifications shall not be relaxed even if a candidate has
research degrees like M.Phil or Ph.D.
3. a) Qualification in the National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lecturers conducted by the UGC,
CSIR or a similar test accredited by the UGC (disciplines in which NET is not conducted are
exempted from this condition).
b) Candidates who have been awarded the Ph.D. degree in accordance with the University Grants
Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2009,
shall be exempted from the requirement of qualification in the NET.
For direct recruitment of Assistant Professor in the University, weightages to be considered for selection
alongwith other specified eligibility qualifications shall be as stipulated in the Regulations 2010.
Interview criterion, out of 100 points, shall be as follows:
a) Academic Record and Research Performance: 50%
b) Assessment of Domain Knowledge and Teaching skills: 30%
c) Interview Performance: 20%
Visual Studies
01 Professor in Visual Studies (Reserved for SC)
- Ph.D. in Art History/Related Areas. Teaching and Research Experience. Book/Journal
Publications in the field of Art History/Visual Culture. Specialisation in Indian Popular
Visual Culture; and/or Anthropology of Art/Visual Studies – covering new approaches and
theories in relation to folk and tribal arts, crafts and decorative arts and textiles.
02 Associate Professor in Visual Studies (Reserved for ST)
- Ph.D in Art History or Related Areas. Teaching and Research Experience. Book/Journal
Publications in the field of Art History/Visual Culture. Specialisation in Islamic
Architectural History/Himalayan Buddhist Art/History of Photography/Popular Visual
03 Associate Professor in Visual Studies (Unreserved)
- Ph.D. in Art History or Related Areas. Teaching and Research Experience. Book/journal
publications in the field of Art History/Visual Culture. Specialisation in Contemporary Art
and Theory/Feminist Art History/European Art/Photography and New Media Art/Islamic
Architectural History
Theatre and Performance Studies
04 Associate Professor in Theatre and Performance Studies (Unreserved)
- Masters and Ph.D. in Anthropology/Dance Studies. Specialist in Dance Studies and the
interface between Practice and Theory. Teaching and Research Experience. Publications in
the field of Dance and Performance.
05 Associate Professor in Theatre and Performance Studies (Unreserved)
- Masters and Ph.D in Theatre and Performance Studies/Related Areas with Specialisation in
Critical Studies, Continental Philosophy and Cultural Studies applied to Theatre or
Performance Practices; Knowledge of World Theatre History and Theory. Teaching and
Research Experience. Book/Journal Publications.
06 Associate Professor in Theatre and Performance Studies (Reserved for SC)
- Masters and Ph.D in Music Studies or Musicology (focus on history and theory).
Publications in Music, History or Musicology. Teaching and Research experience.
Proficient in practice – theory interface.
Cinema Studies
07 Professor in Cinema Studies (Unreserved)
- Ph.D in Cinema/Film Studies. Teaching and Research Experience in Cinema/Film Studies.
Book/Journal Publications in the field of Cinema/Film Studies. Significant contribution to
the field.
08 Professor in Cinema Studies (Reserved for ST)
- Ph.D. in Cinema/Film Studies. Teaching and Research Experience in Cinema/Film Studies.
Book/Journal publications in the field of Cinema/Film Studies. Significant contribution to
the field.
9-10 Associate Professor in Cinema Studies (Two Posts) (Both Unreserved)
- Ph.D. in Cinema/Film Studies/Related Areas with Specialisation in Early Film
Industries/Transnational and Contemporary Cinemas. Teaching/Research Experience in
Cinema/Film Studies. Publications in the field of Cinema/Film Studies.
11-12 Associate Professor in Cinema Studies (Two Posts) (One reserved for SC and one for
- Ph.D. in Cinema/Film Studies/Related Areas with Specialisation in Early Indian Film
Industries/Transnational and Contemporary Cinema. Teaching/Research Experience in
Cinema/Film Studies. Publications in the field of Cinema/Film Studies.
13-16 Professor (Four Posts) (Two Unreserved and two reserved for SC)
- Ph.D in Computer Science or allied areas.
- Proven record of research and publication in journals and conference proceedings with high
impact factor.
17-18 Associate Professor (Two Posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for ST)
- Ph.D. in Computer Science or allied areas.
- Proven record of research and publication in journals and conference proceedings with high
impact factor
Specialization common for the post of Professor and Associate Professor:
Theoretical Computer Science, Data and Knowledge Management, Software Engineering,
Communication Networks, VLSI Technology, Embedded Systems, Computer Vision,
Robotics, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Artificial Intellilgence and Machine Learning,
Operations Research, Modeling and Simulation.
19-22 Associate Professor in Biotechnology (Four Posts) (Two Unreserved and two reserved for
- Specialization in: Cell Biology/Virology/ Microbiology/Immunology/Medical
Biotechnology/ Medicinal Chemistry.
- Out of the 08 years of teaching and/or research experience (which is essential) atleast 03
years of teaching is desirable.
Desirable: Post doctoral experience, proven ability to attract extramural funding, publications
in journals of international repute.
23 Professor (Unreserved)
- Ph.D. in the area of Science or Engineering or in allied areas with specialization in any of the
Computational Biology, Systems Biology, Complex Systems with emergent behavior
applied to biological, social and economic areas, Computational/Theoretical Biophysics,
Large Scale Datamining and Modeling, Machine Learning and Evolutionary game Theory
- Candidates must have demonstrated capabilities in terms of research publications in high
impact journals/international conference proceedings and or related experience in industrial
24-28 Associate Professor (Five Posts) (Two Unreserved, two reserved for SC and one for ST)
- Ph.D. in the area of Science or Engineering or in any allied areas with specialization in any of
the following:
Mathematics, Statistics, Computational Biology, Systems Biology, Complex Systems with
emergent behavior applied to biological, social and economic areas,
Computational/Theoretical Biophysics, Large Scale Datamining and Modeling, Machine
Learning, Evolutionary Game Theory, Computational Neurosciences,
Bioinformatics/Chemoinformatics/ Computational Biology/Systems Biology, Disease
Modeling and Network science.
- Candidates must have demonstrated capabilities in terms of research publications in high
impact journals/international conference proceedings and/or related experience in industrial
29 Professor (Unreserved)
- Consistently good academic record with Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Physics/Applied
Physics/ Geophysics/ Agricultural Physics/ Meteorology/ Mathematics/ Statistics/
Environmental Sciences; Experience of teaching and guiding research; High quality research
contributions in the area(s) of Meteorology /Environmental Modeling/ Environmental
Management/Atmospheric Physics.
30 Professor (Reserved for SC)
- Consistently good academic record with Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Geology/Applied
Geology/Earth Sciences/ Environmental Sciences; Experience of teaching and guiding
research; High quality research contributions in the area(s) of Engineering Geology/
Environmental Impact Assessment/ Mining/ Environmental Management/Natural Hazards
and Disasters/Desertification/Oceanography
31 Professor (Unreserved)
- Consistently good academic record with Ph.D. or equivalent degree in any subject of
Biological Sciences/Life Sciences/Agricultural Sciences/ Forestry/ Environmental Sciences;
Experience of teaching and guiding research; High quality research contributions in an area
relevant to Environmental Biology/ Environmental Restoration/ Bioremediation/
Environment and Human Health
32 Professor (Reserved for SC)
- Consistently good academic record with Ph.D. or equivalent degree in any area of Science;
Proven experience of teaching and guiding research; High quality research contribution in
any area relevant to Theoretical Ecology/Ecology.
33 Associate Professor (Unreserved)
- Consistently good academic record with Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Chemistry/ Applied
Chemistry/ Environmental Sciences; Experience of teaching and guiding research; High
quality research contributions in an area relevant to Aquatic ecology, wetland management,
water pollution.
34 Associate Professor (Reserved for SC)
- M.Sc. & Ph.D. in any scientific discipline with proven ability to carry out research and
teaching in the area(s) of Biological Dimensions of Global Environmental Change/
Environmental Services/Wildlife Ecology/Bio-aerosols.
35 Professor in Biostatistics/Biomathematics (Reserved for SC)
- Desirable: Experience in teaching a modern course in Biostatistics and Biomathematics (with
emphasis on addressing biological questions) at post-graduate level. Research in the area of
Biostatistics/Biomathematics/applications of statistics in addressing biological questions and
handling large scale biological data including sequencing and gene expression, etc. as
evidenced by quality research publications and guiding Ph.D Students.
36 Professor in Immunology (Reserved for ST)
- Desirable: Experience in teaching a modern course in Immunology (including cellular and
molecular) at post-graduate level.
37 Associate Professor in Molecular Genetics (Unreserved)
- Desirable: Experience in teaching a modern course in Genetics including Molecular Genetics
contents at post-graduate level. Research in the area of Molecular Genetics (in
microbial/plant/animal system) as evidenced by quality research publications and guiding
Ph.D. students
38. Associate Professor in Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (Reserved for SC)
- Desirable: Experience in teaching a modern course in Cellular and Molecular Neuro-Biology
at post-graduate level. Research in the area of Cellular and Molecular Neural- and/or Glial-
Biology and/or neuronal electrophysiology as evidenced by quality research publications and
guiding Ph.D. students
39. Professor in Chemistry (Reserved for SC)
The School has recently commenced research and teaching in Chemistry and intends to expand in
the areas of Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Polymer and Theoretical Chemistry, as well as in the
frontier areas of Supramolecular and Materials Chemistry, Laser Spectroscopy and X-ray
Crystallography. However, outstanding candidates in all areas of Chemistry are encouraged to
apply. Candidates must have a Ph.D degree in Chemistry or an allied discipline with publications
in peer reviewed journals.
40. Professor in Mathematics (Reserved for ST)
The School has recently initiated research in the areas of Algebra, Number Theory, Elliptic
Curves and Modular Forms; Lie Groups and Probability, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical
Systems. Prospective candidates are desired to have a Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics with published
research work. However, outstanding candidates in all areas of Mathematics are encouraged to
41. Professor in Physics (Unreserved)
The current research activities of the School are in Experimental and Theoretical Condensed
Matter Physics, Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, Biophysics, Chemical
Physics, Mathematical Physics, Materials Science, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Quantum
Optics and Nonlinear Optics, and String Theory. The School is interested in expanding its
research activities in some important areas such as Biology-Inspired Physics, Cosmology, High
Energy Physics, Quantum Aspects of Gravity, Quantum Computation and Quantum Optics.
However, outstanding candidates in all areas of experimental and theoretical Physics are
encouraged to apply. Candidates must have a Ph.D. Degree in Physics or an allied discipline
with publications in peer reviewed journals.
42-43 Associate Professor in Chemistry (Two posts) (Both Unreserved)
The School has recently commenced research and teaching in Chemistry, and intends to expand
in the areas of Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Polymer and Theoretical Chemistry, as well as in the
frontier areas of Supramolecular and Materials Chemistry, Laser Spectroscopy and X-ray
Crystallography. However, outstanding candidates in all areas of Chemistry are encouraged to
apply. Candidates must have a Ph.D degree in Chemistry or an allied discipline with publications
in peer reviewed journals.
44-45 Associate Professor in Mathematics (Two posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for SC)
The School has recently initiated research in the areas of Algebra, Number Theory, Elliptic
Curves and Modular Forms; Lie Groups and Probability, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical
Systems. Prospective candidates are desired to have a Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics with published
research work. However, outstanding candidates in all areas of Mathematics are encouraged to
46-48 Associate Professor in Physics (Three Posts) (One Unreserved, one reserved for SC and one
for ST)
The current research activities of the School are in Experimental and Theoretical Condensed
Matter Physics, Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, Biophysics, Chemical
Physics, Mathematical Physics, Materials Science, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Quantum
Optics and Nonlinear Optics, and String Theory. The School is interested in expanding its
research activities in some important areas such as Biology-Inspired Physics, Cosmology, High
Energy Physics, Quantum Aspects of Gravity, Quantum Computation and Quantum Optics.
However, outstanding candidates in all areas of experimental and theoretical Physics are
encouraged to apply. Candidates must have a Ph.D. Degree in Physics or an allied discipline with
publications in peer reviewed journals.
49 Assistant Professor (Temporary Leave Vacancy) (Initially for one year) (Unreserved)
Specialization desired in Experimental and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Equilibrium
and Nonequilibruim Statistical Physics, Biophysics, Chemical Physics, Mathematical Physics,
Materials Science, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Quantum Optics and Nonlinear Optics, and
String Theory. The School is interested in expanding its research activities in some important
areas such as Biology-Inspired Physics, Cosmology, High Energy Physics, Quantum Aspects of
Gravity, Quantum Computation and Quantum Optics. Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree in
Physics or an allied discipline with publications in peer reviewed journals.
50-51 Professor (Two Posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for ST)
52-54 Associate Professor (Three Posts) (One Unreserved, one reserved for SC and one for ST)
JNU is proposing to create a world-class Centre for research and teaching in Nano Science and
Technology. This Centre will be interdisciplinary in nature, and include faculty from all science
disciplines, e.g., physics, chemistry, biology, material science, etc. Applicants must have a Ph.D.
in one of these disciplines with appropriate research/teaching experience. Further, they must
have published research in refereed international journals on topics related to Nano Science and
(Specialization common for post nos. 50-54))
55-56 Professor (Two Posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for SC)
57-61 Associate Professor (Five Posts) (Three Unreserved, one reserved for SC and one for ST)
Specialization in Bioinformatics/Structural Biology and Drug Designing; Medical and Synthetic
Chemistry; Chemical Biology; Clinical Biochemistry; Molecular Diagnostics; Stem Cell
Biology; Tissue Engineering; Human Physiology and diseases; Oncology; Systems Biology; Cell
Biology; Molecular Genetics; Biomarker Discovery; Viral and Parasitic Diseases.
Candidates with Ph.D. and relevant post-doctoral experience in the above area(s) of Molecular
Medicine as evidenced by excellent and consistent publication record in the relevant fields with
strong motivation for teaching and research are encouraged to apply. Medical graduates with
significant contribution in the related areas of research are highly encouraged to apply. For such
medical professionals, MBBS/BVSC or equivalent with MD/MVSc/ Ph.D. and publications in
international peer-reviewed journals in relevant subjects are essential.
(Specialization common for post nos. 55-61)
62 Professor (Unreserved)
- A doctoral degree in Science including Science Policy or Engineering or Management
including Economics or Law in IPR related issues.
- Teaching/ research experience in Intellectual Property Rights/Innovation/Research and
Development OR Industrial experience with reputed industrial houses in handling
Technology Transfer/Knowledge Management/IPR Policy/Patenting and Commercialisation.
- Candidates having teaching/research experience should have authored some books published
by reputed publishing houses and/or research papers published in peer reviewed journals on
IPR related issues as a part of academic pursuit.
Candidates having industrial experience should have proven records of taking policy
decisions promoting R & D activities followed by commercialization of research products.
- The candidate should be well versed on various IPR laws, policies and practices in India,
foreign countries and in world bodies.
63 Associate Professor (Reserved for SC)
- Master’s degree in Physics/ Biophysics/ Chemistry/ Chemical Engineering or allied areas
with at least B+ grade or equivalent followed by a Ph.D. degree in the relevant area.
- At least 8 years experience of research/teaching in a university/research organization/
laboratory of repute. The candidates must have experience related to
MS/SEM/TEM/XRD/FTIR/NMR etc. The candidates must have hands on experience of
working in these techniques as evident from the published work and experience.
- Working experience with above mentioned equipment as evident from the publications is
64 Professor (Reserved for SC)
Eminent Scholar in Sanskrit Studies.
65 Associate Professor (Reserved for SC)
Specialization in Sanskrit Studies.
66-67 Professor (Two Posts) (One reserved for ST and one Unreserved)
68 Associate Professor (Unreserved)
69 Associate Professor (Reserved for SC)
- Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
- Specialisation in Public Policy, Jurisprudence and Constitutional Law, Development Studies,
Governance and Development, Markets and Governance, Socio-Legal Studies, Economic
Analysis of Law and Technology, Law and Society.
(Specialization common for post Nos. 66-69)
70 Assistant Professor (Backlog Reserved vacancy) (Reserved for ST)
Bachelor’s degree in Law and Master’s Degree in Political Science, Public Administration,
Sociology, Economics and Law. Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree in any of the areas:
Jurisprudence, Constitutional law, Legal Philosophy, Regulations and Globalization of Law.
71 Professor (Unreserved)
(i) Experience of working in an ASC at Senior Level; (ii) Multidisciplinary approach to teaching
and research; and (iii) Exposure to International and National level institutions of high repute.
Centre for Economic Studies and Planning (CESP)
72 Professor (Reserved for SC)
Specialisation in Econometrics/Theoretical Economics/Applied Economics
73-74 Associate Professor (Two Posts) (One reserved for SC and one for ST)
Specialisation in Theoretical Economics/Applied Economics/Econometrics/Development
Economics/Trade/ Public Finance/ Economic History/Environmental Economics/Mathematical
Centre for Historical Studies (CHS)
75 Professor in Medieval Indian History (Reserved for SC)
Specialisation in Medieval Indian History
Centre for Political Studies (CPS)
76-77 Associate Professor (Two Posts) (One reserved for SC and one for ST)
Specialization in Indian Politics, Comparative Politics/International Relations and Political
Centre for the Study of Social Systems (CSSS)
78 Professor (Reserved for SC)
Specialization in any area in Sociology
79 Professor (Unreserved)
Specialization in Urban Sociology/Sociology of Organizations/Industrial Sociology
80 Associate Professor (Unreserved)
Specialization in Economy and Society/ Development Studies/Globalization:
(i) Master’s degree in Sociology or allied discipline; (ii) Ph.D. in Sociology/Social Anthropology;
(iii) Out of five required publications, three should in recognized/refereed journals in area of
specialization. The candidate must be willing and able to teach the course in any of the specified
areas of specialization.
81 Assistant Professor (Reserved for OBC)
Any area of Sociology
Centre for Studies in Science Policy (CSSP)
82 Professor (Reserved for SC)
An eminent scholar with specialisation in science policy studies and Ph.D. in science policy
studies with published work of high quality in science policy studies, actively engaged in research
with evidence of published (minimum of ten publications as books and/or research papers in
reputed journals) work with 10 years of experience in post-graduate teaching and research (Out of
this, minimum of 4 years of teaching at PG level in science policy studies is essential and
excluding the years of research leading to Ph.D.) at the national/international level institutions,
including experience of guiding research at doctoral level; in at least two
areas/fields/specializations of science policy studies (technological change and innovation
studies, social, political and historical studies of science and technology, policies for emerging
technologies, science, technology and globalization, energy environment and development).
Candidate should have made substantial contribution to course design, teaching and innovation.
Centre for the Study of Regional Development (CSRD)
83 Professor in Population Geography/Settlement Geography (Reserved for SC)
(i) Specialization in the Population Geography/Settlement Geogrpahy (ii) Proven evidence of
having done outstanding research in the concerned field as related to regional development in
84 Professor in Geography (Unreserved)
Specialisation in Regional Development
85 Associate Professor in Economics (Unreserved)
Specialization in Development Economics with Work in Regional Analysis as desirable
86 Associate Professor (Reserved for ST)
Specialization in Regional Economics/Urban Economics
Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies (ZHCES)
87 Professor in Social Psychology of Education (Reserved for ST)
(i) Significant publications in refereed journals in the areas of Cultural Psychology/Social
Psychology/Developmental Psychology/Cognitive Sciences
(ii) Evidence of interest in inter-disciplinary research in education.
Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health (CSMCH)
88 Professor (Reserved for SC)
- Eminent Scholar from the Medical or Nursing Streams with high quality research and
publications in the area of public health.
- Competence in inter-disciplinary work with publications related to Health Policy and Social
Dimensions of Health is desirable.
Centre for Philosophy (CP)
89 Associate Professor (Reserved for SC)
(i) M.A. and Ph.D. in Philosophy; (ii) Specialization in Epistemology/Metaphysics/Ethics in
Indian Philosophy/Comparative philosophy.
Women’s Studies Programme (WSP)
90 Professor (Tenure Post upto 31.3.2017) (Reserved for SC)
(i) Ph.D in Social Sciences/Humanities
(ii) Minimum 10 years experience in Gender issues
91 Associate Professor (Tenure post upto 31.03.2017) (Unreserved)
(i) Ph.D. in Social Sciences/Humanities;
(ii) (ii) At least 8 years experience in gender issues.
92 Assistant Professor (Tenure post upto 31.3.2017) (Unreserved)
(i) Ph.D in Social Sciences/Humanities
(ii) At least 2 years experience in gender issues and teaching/research experience &
publications in the relevant area will be given additional weightage.
Centre for the Study of Discrimination and Exclusion (CSDE)
93 Professor (Tenure post upto 31.3.2017) (Unreserved)
(i) Specialisation in any discipline of Social Sciences (History/Economics/Political
Sciences/Sociology/Social Anthropology/Education) OR Law;
(ii) Ph.D. and publications in the areas of Discrimination and Exclusion with special
reference to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Minorities.
94-95 Associate Professor (Two Posts) (Tenure posts upto 31.3.2017) (One Unreserved and one
reserved for SC)
(i) Post Graduate degree in any discipline of Social Sciences or Law;
(ii) Ph.D. and publications in the areas of Discrimination and Exclusion with special
reference to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Minorities.
North East India Studies Programme (NEISP)
96-97 Professor (Two posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for ST)
(i) Ph.D in Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences or Environmental Sciences;
(ii) Good publication record with at least one authored book.
Specialisation: (i) Language, Culture and Identity, (ii) Development, technology and
Environment (iii) Livelihood and Public Policy (iv) History, Society and Politics (v) Social
Change and Movements (vi) Comparative and Transnational Studies.
98 Associate Professor (Unreserved)
(i) Masters and Ph.D in Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences or Environmental Sciences;
(ii) Good publication record
Specialisation: (i) Language, Culture and Identity, (ii) Development, technology and
Environment (iii) Livelihood and Public Policy (iv) History, Society and Politics; (v) Social
Change and Movements (vi) Comparative and Transnational Studies.
Centre for Informal Sector & Labour Studies (CISLS)
99-100 Professor (Two Posts) (Both Unreserved)
Specialization in Political Science/ History/ Sociology/Economics with evidence of research and
publication in informal sector and labour studies.
101 Associate Professor in Economics (Reserved for SC)
Evidence of research and publication in informal sector and labour studies
102 Associate Professor in History (Reserved for SC)
Evidence of research and publication in informal sector and labour studies
Centre for Media Studies (CMS)
103 Professor (Unreserved)
(i) Candidates should have Ph.D. in an area relevant for Media Studies; (ii) Candidates with
published work of repute shall be preferred (iii) Publications may be such which impinge on
Media, Society and Polity
104-105 Associate Professor (Two Posts) (Both Unreserved)
(i) Candidates should have Ph.D. in an area relevant for Media Studies; (ii) Candidates with
published work of repute shall be preferred; (iii) Publications should be such which impinge on
Media, Society and Polity.
Centre for French and Francophone Studies (CFFS)
106-107 Associate Professor in French (Two Posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for SC).
- Specialization in Literature/Translation & Interpretation/ Didactics and Linguistics/Culture
and Civilization.
Centre for Spanish, Portuguese, Italian & Latin American Studies (CSPILAS)
108 Associate Professor in Spanish (Unreserved)
Post graduate teaching and experience of research in the area of Hispanic Literatures, especially
Cervantes, Indo Hispanic Comparative Literature and abiding interest in contemporary issues
related to the cultural studies pertaining to the Hispanic world. Experience of guiding research.
109 Assistant Professor in Portuguese (Reserved for ST) (Backlog Reserved vacancy)
- (i) M.A. in Portuguese or in any Romance Language preferably Spanish or in Humanities
with perfect knowledge of Portuguese;
- (ii) Experience in research/teaching in Iberian or Brazilian Studies; knowledge of Portuguese
literature and its culture and civilization.
Centre for Japanese, Korean & North East Asian Studies (CJKNEAS)
110 Professor in Korean (Unreserved)
- Ph.D. in any one of the following fields from a recognized University;
a) Korean Language, Literature and Culture/Korean Studies;
b) Minimum 10 years of experience of teaching Korean Language, Literature and Culture at
post graduate level;
c) Minimum ten years experience of research in the relevant field with publication of good
d) Experience of developing courses and teaching materials for B.A. & M.A. Programmes
in Korean Language, Literature and Culture Studies.
- Experience of study/research in a recognized Korean University for minimum two years is
111 Associate Professor in Japanese (Reserved for SC)
- Ph.D. in any one of the following studies from a recognized University;
(a) Japanese Language/Studies; (b) Japanese Linguistics; (c) Japanese Language and Culture;
(ii) Minimum 8 years of experience of teaching Japanese Language and Literature at Degree
and post-graduate level.
- Specialization in Japanese Literature/ Linguistics/Culture. Experience of research at Japanese
University in Japan; and Contribution to innovative teaching methods or production of
teaching material is desirable.
Centre for Chinese & South-East Asian Studies (CCSEAS)
112 Professor in Chinese (Unreserved)
Specialisation in Chinese language, sufficiently equipped to teach at undergraduate and post
graduate levels, and to conduct research in Chinese language, literature and culture studies (ii) Ph.
D. in Sinology; (iii) Teaching experience in Chinese Language, Literature, Culture and
Civilization; (iv) Published works of repute in the area; (v) Research experience in Chinese
universities and institutes.
Centre for Linguistics (CL)
113 Professor (Reserved for SC)
Specialization in Sociolinguistics/ Historical Linguistics/General Linguistics.
114 Associate Professor in Linguistics (Reserved for ST)
Specialization in Language Technology/ Cognitive Linguistics/ Pragmatics/ General Linguistics.
115 Assistant Professor (Reserved for ST)
General and Applied Linguistics; and interest in the new and current areas of Linguistics.
Centre for English Studies (CES)
116 Associate Professor in English (Unreserved)
Specialization in 19th/20th Century British Literature.
117 Associate Professor in English (Unreserved)
Specialization in 16th/17th/18th Century British Literature.
Centre for Persian & Central Asian Studies (CPCAS)
118 Associate Professor in Persian (Unreserved)
- (i) Specialization & teaching experience to teach advanced translation and interpretation
from Persian into English and vice versa; (ii) Knowledge of Indo-Persian Studies; (iii) At
least 8 years experience of teaching Modern Persian Language & Literature.
Centre of German Studies (CGS)
119 Professor in German (Unreserved)
Candidate should have specialized in any of the following fields of teaching and research: (i)
German Literature; (ii) Translation Studies; (iii) Linguistics; (iv) German as a Foreign Language.
120-121 Associate Professor in German (Two Posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for SC )
Candidates should have specialized in any of the following fields of teaching and research: (i)
German Literature/Culture and Civilization; (ii) Translation Studies; (iii) Linguistics; (iv) German
as a Foreign Language.
122 Assistant Professor in German (Unreserved)
Specialisation in Linguistics, German as a Foreign Language or Translation Studies
Centre of Arabic and African Studies (CAAS)
123 Associate Professor in Arabic (Reserved for SC)
(i) Experience of teaching simultaneous interpretation Arabic-English-Arabic is desirable; (ii)
Specialization in Contemporary Arabic Literature and/or teaching methodology and material
production; (iii) Publications.
Centre of Indian Languages (CIL)
124 Professor in Hindi (Reserved for SC)
Experience of supervising successful doctoral research.
125 Professor in Bangla (Reserved for ST)
Experience of supervising successful doctoral research is desirable.
126 Professor in Urdu (Unreserved)
Experience of supervising successful doctoral research.
127 Professor in Hindi Translation (Unreserved)
(1) As per UGC Norms; (2) Ph.D in Hindi
Desirable: (i) Published work of High quality in the field of Hindi Translation; (ii) theoretical
Aspects of Translation Studies.
128 Professor in Tamil (Unreserved)
As per UGC norms
129 Associate Professor in Hindi (Reserved for SC)
Specialisation in Medieval Hindi Literature
130 Associate Professor in Hindi Translation (Reserved for ST)
Experience of translation between Indian Languages is desirable
131 Associate Professor in Bengali (Unreserved)
Experience of supervising successful doctoral research is desirable.
132 Assistant Professor in Urdu (Backlog Reserved vacancy) (Reserved for SC)
Centre for International Trade and Development (CITD)
133-135 Professor (Three posts) (Two posts Unreserved and one reserved for ST)
136-137 Associate Professor (Two posts) (Both Unreserved)
Specialization in Micro Economics, Macro Economics, Development Economics,
Econometrics, International Trade Theory, International Monetary Economics, Industrial
(Specialisation common for post nos. 133-137)
Centre for East Asian Studies (CEAS)
138-139 Professor in Japanese Studies (Two Posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for SC).
(i) Ph.D. in Japanese Studies; (ii) Familiarity with Japanese Language with field experience in
Japan; (iii) Publications on Japan;
Specialization in Japanese Economics
140 Associate Professor in Chinese Studies (Reserved for SC)
(i) M.A. in Social Sciences (Political Science/Sociology/ Economics/ History/ International
Relations); (ii) Ph.D. in Chinese Studies; (iii) Knowledge of Chinese Language; (iv) Evidence of
work in Chinese Economy
141 Associate Professor in Korean Studies (Reserved for ST)
(i) M.A. in Social Sciences (Political Science/ Economics/ History/ Sociology/ International
Relations); (ii) M.Phil/Ph.D. in Korean Studies; (iii) Knowledge of Korean Language;
Specialization in Korean Economy, Foreign Policy or Society.
Centre for Comparative Politics & Political Theory (CCPPT)
142 Associate Professor in Indian Politics (Reserved for SC)
M.A. and Ph.D. in Social Sciences Indian Politics and research/teaching experience as laid down
by UGC guidelines. Publications in the field desirable.
Specialisation : Indian Politics
143 Associate Professor in Comparative Politics and/or Political Theory (Unreserved)
M.A. and Ph.D. in Social Sciences and research/teaching experience as laid down by UGC
guidelines. Publications in the field is desirable.
Specialization: Comparative Politics and/or Political Theory.
Centre for West Asian Studies (CWAS)
144 Professor (Reserved for SC)
Specialisation in History/Political Science/Sociology/Economics of the West Asian and North
African region.
Centre for African Studies (CAS)
145 Associate Professor (Unreserved)
Ph.D. in African Studies; (ii) Should have successfully done teaching courses in African Studies
at post-graduate level; (iii) Specialization in Lusophone Africa
146 Associate Professor (Reserved for ST)
Ph.D. in African Studies; (ii) Should have successfully done teaching courses in African Studies
at Post-graduate level; (iii) Specialization in Francophone Africa is desirable.
Centre for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament (CIPOD)
147 Professor in Political Geography (Reserved for SC)
Strong background in theoretical aspects of political geography and/or critical geopolitics.
148 Professor (Unreserved)
Candidates with research focus and publications on issues of international Relations theory,
specifically international political economy.
149 Associate Professor in International Organization (Reserved for SC)
Strong background in theoretical aspects of international organization with specialization in
trade-related international organizations or international non-governmental organizations.
150 Associate Professor in International Politics (Reserved for SC)
Strong background in IR theory with specialization in social constructivism and/or globalization
151 Associate Professor in Diplomacy and Disarmament Studies (Unreserved)
Strong background in Diplomatic Studies with specialization in International Environmental
Negotiations or Business Negotiations or Conference Diplomacy.
152 Associate Professor in Diplomacy and Disarmament Studies (Unreserved)
Strong background in arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation issues with high quality
research/publications on one or more of the following areas: multilateral arms control, arms
control diplomacy, export control treaties/regimes and India’s policies.
153 Associate Professor (Unreserved)
Candidate should have strong background in political geography with high quality
research/publications in global environmental geopolitics/postmodern geopolitics.
Centre for South, Central, Southeast Asian and Southwest Pacific Studies (CSCSEASWPS)
154 Associate Professor in Southeast Asian Studies (Reserved for SC)
(i) M.A. in Economics; (ii) Ph.D. and research publications on economic issues of Southeast
Knowledge of any of Southeast Asian languages is desirable.
Centre for Canadian, US and Latin American Studies (CCUSLAS)
155 Professor in American (US) Studies (Reserved for SC)
(i) Specialisation in Political Science/International Relations/Economics and Ph.D. in U.S.
Studies; (ii) Evidence of independent research publications after Ph.D. in books and articles of
reputed Journals on contemporary American Affairs; (iii) Ten years of teaching experience with
atleast 6 years of teaching and American Studies; (iv) Evidence of guiding research at the
doctoral level.
156 Professor in Latin American Studies (Reserved for ST)
(i) Specialisation in Political Science/International Studies; (ii) Ph.D. in Latin American Studies
with research and published work on contemporary domestic politics/foreign policy of the
region/specific country, specialization in Latin American Studies; (iii) Ten years of teaching
experience with atleast 6 years of teaching in Latin American and Caribbean Studies; (iv)
Evidence of guiding research at the doctoral level.
157 Associate Professor in American (US) Studies (Unreserved)
(i) M.A. in Social Sciences, (ii) M.Phil and Ph.D. in American Studies; (iii) Minimum of 8 years
of teaching and/or research, with at least 4 years of teaching experience in a recognized academic
institution is essential; (iv) Strong evidence of independent research and research guidance.
158 Associate Professor in Latin American Studies (Unreserved)
(i) M.A. in Political Science/International Studies; (ii) Research and published work on a major
South American country preferably Brazil on contemporary domestic politics, environmental
issues, developmental process; (iii) M.Phil/Ph.D. in Latin American Studies is compulsory; (iv)
Minimum of 08 years of teaching and/or research experience, with at least 4 years of teaching
experience in a recognized academic institution is compulsory.
Centre for European Studies (CES)
159-160 Associate Professor in European Studies (Two Posts) (Both reserved for SC)
(i) M.A. in Political Science/ International Relations;
Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies (CRCAS)
161-163 Associate Professor in Russian, Central Asian/ CIS Studies (Three Posts) (One Unreserved,
one reserved for SC and one for ST).
(i) M.A. in any discipline of Social Sciences and Ph.D. in Soviet/CIS Studies;
Desirable: Working knowledge of Russian language.
Centre for International Legal Studies (CILS)
164 Professor in International Economic Law (Unreserved)
Ph.D. in Public International Law from a reputed University; Minimum 10 years post-graduate
teaching experience in International Law; Experience in research supervision is essential;
Excellent publications record including articles in reputed international law journals;
Specialization in International Economic Law.
Candidates must possess the qualifications as prescribed by the UGC for the respective posts. The above
posts carry UGC pay scales plus admissible allowances:
(i) A relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55% to 50% of the marks at the Master’s level for the
SC/ST/PH category.
(ii) A relaxation of 5% may be provided, from 55% to 50% of the marks, to the Ph.D. Degree
holders who have passed their Master's Degree prior to 19 September 1991.
(iii) B in the following 7 point scale with letter grades O,A,B,C,D,E and F shall be regarded
equivalent of 55% wherever the grading systems is followed.
Grade Grade
Percentage Equivalent
"O" = Outstanding 5.50 - 6.00 75-100
"A" = Very Good 4.50 - 5.49 65-74
"B" = Good 3.50 - 4.49 55-64
"C" = Average 2.50 - 3.49 45-54
"D" = Below
1.50 - 2.49 35-44
"E" = Poor 0.50 - 1.49 25-34
"F" = Fail 0.00 - 0.49 00-24
1. Application form duly filled in all respect by the candidate must be supported by attested copies of all
certificates, Mark Sheets, evidence of teaching/research experience and production of
M.A./M.Phil/Ph.D./NET certificates, copies of reprints of published articles, certificate containing the
record of date of birth, etc.
2. Incomplete application form without signature of candidate or without the prescribed fee shall
summarily be rejected.
3. The University reserves the right to:
(i) draw panel(s) for future appointment(s) in the event of non-joining of candidate(s) within the
stipulated time.
(ii) consider the applications received after the last date; but eligibility will be determined as on the
last date of submission of application.
(iii) consider “in-absentia” those who may have applied but are not able to appear for the interview;
(iv) Consider candidates applying from abroad or from PH category for Skype interview; and
(v) not to fill up any of the advertised positions.
4. Qualifications and other conditions applicable are subject to UGC regulations 2010and as amended
from time to time.
5. The period of time spent by the candidates to acquire M.Phil and/or Ph.D. Degree shall not be
considered as research experience.
6. Relaxation in educational qualifications, experience, age, etc. to the reserved category candidates will
be permissible as per Government of India rules.
7. Candidates belonging to SC/ST category must submit appropriate certificates issued by the competent
authority recently as per the format prescribed by the Government of India. In the case of OBC
reservations, certificate should be issued from competent authority particularly with reference to
Non–creamy layer. Those who fail to submit the required certificate(s) will be treated as General
Category, subject to fulfillment of other terms & conditions.
8. The candidates applying under PWD Category are required to submit the Disability Certificate issued
by the competent authority in the format prescribed by Government of India for this purpose.
9. The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not
entitle candidates to be called for interview. Where the number of applications received in response to
an advertisement is large and it will not be convenient or possible to interview all the candidates, the
University, at its discretion, may restrict the number of candidates to a reasonable limit on the basis of
qualifications/experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
10. Post number and post applied for should be clearly indicated on the application form.
11. Separate Application Form/Bio-Data Form is required to be filled up for each post.
12. Those already in Government service etc. should forward their application through proper channel.
13. Candidates applying for the post of Professor and Associate Professor are advised to ensure that they
possess the minimum API scores prescribed and evidence in this regard be attached with the
The list of refereed Journals (Classified in Category A, B, C & D) of all Schools/Centres/Special
Centres of the University have been uploaded on the JNU website under “Career Option” for the
reference of the candidates.
14. The eligibility of the candidates will be determined on the basis of qualifications acquired by them
upto the last date fixed for receipt of applications.
15. The University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the
candidate(s) at any stage in case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection may be
detected even after issue of appointment letter.
16. The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at any time of
appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted
by the candidates are fake or the candidate has undesirable clandestine/antecedents and has
suppressed the said information, then his service shall be terminated.
17. The applications should reach the University at the address given below within one month from the
date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News.
18. A candidate, who has applied earlier informally and sent his/her bio-data/academic vitae earlier to the
Vice-Chancellor or any other competent authority of the University, must apply afresh by following
the procedure.
19. Candidates are advised to submit their applications well in time and should not wait for the last date
of receipt of applications. The University will not be responsible for postal delays etc. and no
correspondence/queries will be entertained from candidates on this account.
20. The University reserves the right to alter/insert any corrections/additions in the advertisement/website
in the event of any typographical error before the last date prescribed for the receipt of applications, for
which the candidates are advised to be in the lookout for announcements in the JNU website .
Note: The candidates who have applied earlier for teaching position(s) with reference to Advt. No.
RC/39/2009 are required to apply afresh, in the Application Form, Bio-Data Form obtainable
from the Recruitment Cell or to be accessed from JNU Website: www.jnu.ac.in. Those who fail to
apply afresh as per New UGC Regulations, 2010 will have no claim whatsoever for consideration
for the post(s) applied earlier.
Application Form can be obtained in person on payment of Rs. 500/- by demand draft by candidates
belonging to General & OBC category or can be obtained by post by sending a demand draft for Rs. 520/-
(Rs. 500/- plus Rs. 20/- postal charges for General & OBC category). Payable on any nationalized bank in
favour of the Finance Officer, Jawaharlal Nehru University payable at New Delhi (non-refundable)
along with a self-addressed (unstamped) envelope (size 24 cm x 30 cm) to The Section Officer,
Recruitment Cell, Room No. 131, Administrative Block, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi –
110067. The application form can also be downloaded from JNU website: www.jnu.ac.in. and the duly
filled-in application form can be submitted alongwith the demand draft of Rs. 500/- in case of General
and OBC category to the University at the above address. There is no application fee for SC/ST/PH
kindly view official website for updateded info.
New Delhi - 110067
ADVT. NO. RC/44/2012
The JNU has openings for faculty positions at the level of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant
Professor for its various Schools/Centres and Special Centres. The Scale of Pay and Essential
Qualifications are as per UGC Regulations 2010. For details of desirable qualifications/specializations,
and other terms and conditions, please see JNU website www.jnu.ac.in.
Professor: ……………. Rs. 37400-67000 (PB-4) AGP Rs. 10,000/-
Associate Professor: .... Rs. 37400-67000 (PB-4) AGP Rs. 9,000/-
Assistant Professor: …. Rs. 15600-39100 (PB-3) AGP Rs. 6,000/-
Post Nos. Schools/Centres of Studies Post UR SC ST Total
01 Professor - 1 - 01
School of Arts and Aesthetics
Visual Studies Associate Professor 1 - 1 02
04-06 Theatre and Performance
Associate Professor 2 1 03
07-08 Professor 1 - 1 02
Cinema Studies/SAA
Associate Professor 2 1 1 04
13-16 Professor 2 2 04
School of Computer and
Systems Sciences Associate Professor 1 - 1 02
19-22 School of Biotechnology Associate Professor 2 2 - 04
23 Professor 1 - - 01
School of Computational &
Integrative Sciences Associate Professor 2 2 1 05
29-32 Professor 2 2 - 04
School of Environmental
Sciences Associate Professor 1 1 - 02
35-36 Professor - 1 1 02
School of Life Sciences
Associate Professor 1 1 02
39-41 Professor 1 1 1 03
42-48 Associate Professor 4 2 1 07
School of Physical Sciences
Assistant Professor 1* - - 01
50-51 Professor 1 - 1 02
Special Centre for Nano
Sciences Associate Professor 1 1 1 03
55-56 Professor 1 1 - 02
Special Centre for Molecular
Medicine Associate Professor 3 1 1 05
62 Intellectual Property
Management Cell
Professor 1 - - 01
63 Advanced Instrumentation
Research Facility
Associate Professor - 1 - 01
64 Professor - 1 - 01
Special Centre for Sanskrit
Studies Associate Professor - 1 - 01
66-67 Professor 01 - 1 02
68-69 Associate Professor 1 1 - 02
Centre for the Study of Law
And Governance
Assistant Professor - - 1** 01
71 Academic Staff College Professor 1 - - 01
72 Professor - 1 - 01
Centre for Economic Studies
and Planning Associate Professor 1 1 02
75 Centre for Historical Studies Professor - 1 - 01
76-77 Centre for Political Studies Associate Professor - 1 1 02
78-79 Professor 1 1 - 02
Centre for the Study of Social
Systems Associate Professor 1 - - 01
81 Centre for the Study of Social
Assistant Professor Reserved for OBC 01
Post Nos. Schools/Centres of Studies Post UR SC ST Total
82 Centre for Studies in Science
Professor - 1 - 01
83-84 Professor 1 1 - 02
Centre for the Study of
Regional Development Associate Professor 1 1 02
87 Zakir Husain Centre for
Educational Studies
Professor - - 1 01
88 Centre of Social Medicine and
Community Health
Professor - 1 - 01
89 Centre for Philosophy Associate Professor - 1 - 01
90 Professor - 1 - 01
91 Associate Professor 1 - - 01
Women’s Studies Programme
Assistant Professor 1 - - 01
93 Professor 1 - - 01
Centre for the Study of
Discrimination and Exclusion Associate Professor 1 1 - 02
96-97 Professor 1 - 1 02
North East India Studies
Programme Associate Professor 1 - - 01
99-100 Professor 2 - - 02
Centre for Informal Sector &
Labour Studies Associate Professor - 2 - 02
103 Professor 1 - - 01
Centre for Media Studies
Associate Professor 2 - - 02
106-107 Centre for French and
Francophone Studies
Associate Professor 1 1 - 02
108 Associate Professor 1 - - 01
Centre for Spanish, Portuguese,
Italian & Latin American
Assistant Professor - - 1** 01
110 Professor 1 - - 01
Centre for Japanese, Korean &
North East Asian Studies Associate Professor - 1 - 01
112 Centre for Chinese & South-
East Asian Studies
Professor 1 - - 01
113 Professor - 1 - 01
114 Associate Professor - - 1 01
Centre for Linguistics
Assistant Professor - - 1 01
116-117 Centre for English Studies Associate Professor 2 - - 02
118 Centre for Persian & Central
Asian Studies
Associate Professor 1 - - 01
119 Professor 1 - - 01
120-121 Associate Professor 1 1 - 02
Centre of German Studies
Assistant Professor 1 - - 01
123 Centre of Arabic and African
Associate Professor - 1 - 01
124-128 Professor 3 1 1 05
129-131 Associate Professor 1 1 1 03
Centre of Indian Languages
Assistant Professor - 1** - 01
133-135 Professor 2 - 1 03
Centre for International Trade
and Development Associate Professor 2 - - 02
138-139 Professor 1 1 - 02
Centre for East Asian Studies
Associate Professor - 1 1 02
142-143 Centre for Comparative Politics
& Political Theory
Associate Professor 1 1 - 02
144 Centre for West Asian Studies Professor - 1 - 01
145-146 Centre for African Studies Associate Professor 1 - 1 02
147-148 Professor 1 1 - 02
Centre for International
Politics, Organization and
Associate Professor 3 2 - 05
154 Centre for South, Central,
Southeast Asian and Southwest
Pacific Studies
Associate Professor - 1 - 01
155-156 Professor - 1 1 02
Centre for Canadian, US and
Latin American Studies Associate Professor 2 - - 02
159-160 Centre for European Studies Associate Professor - 2 - 02
161-163 Centre for Russian and Central
Asian Studies
Associate Professor 1 1 1 03
164 Centre for International Legal
Professor 1 - - 01
* Temporary Leave vacancy
** Backlog reserved vacancies (Total – 02 ST/01 SC)
Interested candidates are requested to apply in the application form obtainable from the Recruitment Cell,
JNU or can be downloaded from JNU Website: www.jnu.ac.in Candidates who have applied earlier
in response to Advt. No. RC/39/2009 are required to apply afresh. Those who fail to apply afresh as
per New UGC Regulations, 2010 will have no claim whatsoever for consideration for the post(s)
applied earlier. Candidates are advised to please ensure their eligibility before applying for any post(s)
given above. Last date for submission of applications completed in all respects, shall be 30 days
from the date of advertisement which is 17th December, 2012.
NEW DELHI-110067
ADVT. NO. RC/44/2012
The JNU has openings for various faculty positions at the level of Professor, Associate Professor and
Assistant Professor in the areas of specialization as indicated against each. The specialization/desirable
qualifications, if any, are indicated against each post. The minimum essential qualifications/scales of pay
for these positions will be as per the UGC Regulations, 2010.
Candidates with good academic record, teaching/research experience and working in related areas of
research are encouraged to apply. University also solicits applications from candidates with research
interests that are interdisciplinary.
SCALE OF PAY: Rs. 37400-67000 (PB-4) AGP Rs. 10000
1. An eminent scholar with a doctoral degree in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline and
published work of high quality, and actively engaged in research with evidence of published work
with a minimum of ten publications as books and/or research/policy papers.
2. A minimum of ten years experience in post-graduate teaching, and/or research at a
University/National level institution, including experience of guiding research at doctoral level.
3. Contribution to educational innovation, design of new curricula and courses, and technologymediated
teaching process.
4. A minimum score as indicated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance
Based Appraisal System (PBAS) as set out in the UGC Regulations, 2010.
For direct recruitment of Professor in the University, consolidated API scores of 400 points is required
alongwith other specified eligibility qualifications stipulated in the Regulations 2010. Interview criterion,
out of 100 points, shall be as follows:
a) Academic Background 20%
b) Research Performance based on API score and quality of publications 40%
c) Assessment of Domain Knowledge and Teaching Skills 20%
d) Interview Performance: 20%
SCALE OF PAY: Rs. 37400-67000 (PB-4) AGP Rs. 9000
1. Good academic record with doctoral degree in concerned or allied/relevant discipline.
2. A Masters degree with at least 55% of marks or an equivalent grade of 'B' in the 7 point scale
with letter grades O, A, B, C, D, E.
3. A minimum of eight years experience of teaching and/or research in an academic/research
position equivalent to that of Assistant Professor in a University/College or Accredited Research
Institution, excluding the period of doctoral research, with some distinction in the areas of
scholarship as evidenced by quality of a minimum of five publications as books and/or
research/policy papers.
4. Contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses, curricula, and technologymediated
teaching/learning process and/or evidence of having guided doctoral candidates and/or
research students.
5. A minimum score as indicated in the Academic Performance Indicator (API) based Performance
Based Appraisal System (PBAS) as set out in the UGC Regulations, 2010.
For direct recruitment of Associate Professor in the University, consolidated API scores of 300 points is
required alongwith other specified eligibility qualifications stipulated in the Regulations 2010. Interview
criterion, out of 100 points, shall be as follows:
a) Academic Background 20%
b) Research Performance based on API score and quality of publications 40%
c) Assessment of Domain Knowledge and Teaching Skills 20%
d) Interview Performance: 20%
SCALE OF PAY: Rs. 15600-39100 (PB-3) AGP Rs. 6000
1. Good academic record with at least 55% marks or, an equivalent grade of 'B' in the 7 point scale
with letter grades O,A,B,C,D,E and F at the Master’s Degree level, in a relevant subject from an
Indian University, or an equivalent degree from accredited foreign University.
2. M.Phil and Ph.D. in the relevant field may be prescribed in appropriate cases, a desirable or
essential qualification. The minimum qualifications shall not be relaxed even if a candidate has
research degrees like M.Phil or Ph.D.
3. a) Qualification in the National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lecturers conducted by the UGC,
CSIR or a similar test accredited by the UGC (disciplines in which NET is not conducted are
exempted from this condition).
b) Candidates who have been awarded the Ph.D. degree in accordance with the University Grants
Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2009,
shall be exempted from the requirement of qualification in the NET.
For direct recruitment of Assistant Professor in the University, weightages to be considered for selection
alongwith other specified eligibility qualifications shall be as stipulated in the Regulations 2010.
Interview criterion, out of 100 points, shall be as follows:
a) Academic Record and Research Performance: 50%
b) Assessment of Domain Knowledge and Teaching skills: 30%
c) Interview Performance: 20%
Visual Studies
01 Professor in Visual Studies (Reserved for SC)
- Ph.D. in Art History/Related Areas. Teaching and Research Experience. Book/Journal
Publications in the field of Art History/Visual Culture. Specialisation in Indian Popular
Visual Culture; and/or Anthropology of Art/Visual Studies – covering new approaches and
theories in relation to folk and tribal arts, crafts and decorative arts and textiles.
02 Associate Professor in Visual Studies (Reserved for ST)
- Ph.D in Art History or Related Areas. Teaching and Research Experience. Book/Journal
Publications in the field of Art History/Visual Culture. Specialisation in Islamic
Architectural History/Himalayan Buddhist Art/History of Photography/Popular Visual
03 Associate Professor in Visual Studies (Unreserved)
- Ph.D. in Art History or Related Areas. Teaching and Research Experience. Book/journal
publications in the field of Art History/Visual Culture. Specialisation in Contemporary Art
and Theory/Feminist Art History/European Art/Photography and New Media Art/Islamic
Architectural History
Theatre and Performance Studies
04 Associate Professor in Theatre and Performance Studies (Unreserved)
- Masters and Ph.D. in Anthropology/Dance Studies. Specialist in Dance Studies and the
interface between Practice and Theory. Teaching and Research Experience. Publications in
the field of Dance and Performance.
05 Associate Professor in Theatre and Performance Studies (Unreserved)
- Masters and Ph.D in Theatre and Performance Studies/Related Areas with Specialisation in
Critical Studies, Continental Philosophy and Cultural Studies applied to Theatre or
Performance Practices; Knowledge of World Theatre History and Theory. Teaching and
Research Experience. Book/Journal Publications.
06 Associate Professor in Theatre and Performance Studies (Reserved for SC)
- Masters and Ph.D in Music Studies or Musicology (focus on history and theory).
Publications in Music, History or Musicology. Teaching and Research experience.
Proficient in practice – theory interface.
Cinema Studies
07 Professor in Cinema Studies (Unreserved)
- Ph.D in Cinema/Film Studies. Teaching and Research Experience in Cinema/Film Studies.
Book/Journal Publications in the field of Cinema/Film Studies. Significant contribution to
the field.
08 Professor in Cinema Studies (Reserved for ST)
- Ph.D. in Cinema/Film Studies. Teaching and Research Experience in Cinema/Film Studies.
Book/Journal publications in the field of Cinema/Film Studies. Significant contribution to
the field.
9-10 Associate Professor in Cinema Studies (Two Posts) (Both Unreserved)
- Ph.D. in Cinema/Film Studies/Related Areas with Specialisation in Early Film
Industries/Transnational and Contemporary Cinemas. Teaching/Research Experience in
Cinema/Film Studies. Publications in the field of Cinema/Film Studies.
11-12 Associate Professor in Cinema Studies (Two Posts) (One reserved for SC and one for
- Ph.D. in Cinema/Film Studies/Related Areas with Specialisation in Early Indian Film
Industries/Transnational and Contemporary Cinema. Teaching/Research Experience in
Cinema/Film Studies. Publications in the field of Cinema/Film Studies.
13-16 Professor (Four Posts) (Two Unreserved and two reserved for SC)
- Ph.D in Computer Science or allied areas.
- Proven record of research and publication in journals and conference proceedings with high
impact factor.
17-18 Associate Professor (Two Posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for ST)
- Ph.D. in Computer Science or allied areas.
- Proven record of research and publication in journals and conference proceedings with high
impact factor
Specialization common for the post of Professor and Associate Professor:
Theoretical Computer Science, Data and Knowledge Management, Software Engineering,
Communication Networks, VLSI Technology, Embedded Systems, Computer Vision,
Robotics, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Artificial Intellilgence and Machine Learning,
Operations Research, Modeling and Simulation.
19-22 Associate Professor in Biotechnology (Four Posts) (Two Unreserved and two reserved for
- Specialization in: Cell Biology/Virology/ Microbiology/Immunology/Medical
Biotechnology/ Medicinal Chemistry.
- Out of the 08 years of teaching and/or research experience (which is essential) atleast 03
years of teaching is desirable.
Desirable: Post doctoral experience, proven ability to attract extramural funding, publications
in journals of international repute.
23 Professor (Unreserved)
- Ph.D. in the area of Science or Engineering or in allied areas with specialization in any of the
Computational Biology, Systems Biology, Complex Systems with emergent behavior
applied to biological, social and economic areas, Computational/Theoretical Biophysics,
Large Scale Datamining and Modeling, Machine Learning and Evolutionary game Theory
- Candidates must have demonstrated capabilities in terms of research publications in high
impact journals/international conference proceedings and or related experience in industrial
24-28 Associate Professor (Five Posts) (Two Unreserved, two reserved for SC and one for ST)
- Ph.D. in the area of Science or Engineering or in any allied areas with specialization in any of
the following:
Mathematics, Statistics, Computational Biology, Systems Biology, Complex Systems with
emergent behavior applied to biological, social and economic areas,
Computational/Theoretical Biophysics, Large Scale Datamining and Modeling, Machine
Learning, Evolutionary Game Theory, Computational Neurosciences,
Bioinformatics/Chemoinformatics/ Computational Biology/Systems Biology, Disease
Modeling and Network science.
- Candidates must have demonstrated capabilities in terms of research publications in high
impact journals/international conference proceedings and/or related experience in industrial
29 Professor (Unreserved)
- Consistently good academic record with Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Physics/Applied
Physics/ Geophysics/ Agricultural Physics/ Meteorology/ Mathematics/ Statistics/
Environmental Sciences; Experience of teaching and guiding research; High quality research
contributions in the area(s) of Meteorology /Environmental Modeling/ Environmental
Management/Atmospheric Physics.
30 Professor (Reserved for SC)
- Consistently good academic record with Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Geology/Applied
Geology/Earth Sciences/ Environmental Sciences; Experience of teaching and guiding
research; High quality research contributions in the area(s) of Engineering Geology/
Environmental Impact Assessment/ Mining/ Environmental Management/Natural Hazards
and Disasters/Desertification/Oceanography
31 Professor (Unreserved)
- Consistently good academic record with Ph.D. or equivalent degree in any subject of
Biological Sciences/Life Sciences/Agricultural Sciences/ Forestry/ Environmental Sciences;
Experience of teaching and guiding research; High quality research contributions in an area
relevant to Environmental Biology/ Environmental Restoration/ Bioremediation/
Environment and Human Health
32 Professor (Reserved for SC)
- Consistently good academic record with Ph.D. or equivalent degree in any area of Science;
Proven experience of teaching and guiding research; High quality research contribution in
any area relevant to Theoretical Ecology/Ecology.
33 Associate Professor (Unreserved)
- Consistently good academic record with Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Chemistry/ Applied
Chemistry/ Environmental Sciences; Experience of teaching and guiding research; High
quality research contributions in an area relevant to Aquatic ecology, wetland management,
water pollution.
34 Associate Professor (Reserved for SC)
- M.Sc. & Ph.D. in any scientific discipline with proven ability to carry out research and
teaching in the area(s) of Biological Dimensions of Global Environmental Change/
Environmental Services/Wildlife Ecology/Bio-aerosols.
35 Professor in Biostatistics/Biomathematics (Reserved for SC)
- Desirable: Experience in teaching a modern course in Biostatistics and Biomathematics (with
emphasis on addressing biological questions) at post-graduate level. Research in the area of
Biostatistics/Biomathematics/applications of statistics in addressing biological questions and
handling large scale biological data including sequencing and gene expression, etc. as
evidenced by quality research publications and guiding Ph.D Students.
36 Professor in Immunology (Reserved for ST)
- Desirable: Experience in teaching a modern course in Immunology (including cellular and
molecular) at post-graduate level.
37 Associate Professor in Molecular Genetics (Unreserved)
- Desirable: Experience in teaching a modern course in Genetics including Molecular Genetics
contents at post-graduate level. Research in the area of Molecular Genetics (in
microbial/plant/animal system) as evidenced by quality research publications and guiding
Ph.D. students
38. Associate Professor in Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology (Reserved for SC)
- Desirable: Experience in teaching a modern course in Cellular and Molecular Neuro-Biology
at post-graduate level. Research in the area of Cellular and Molecular Neural- and/or Glial-
Biology and/or neuronal electrophysiology as evidenced by quality research publications and
guiding Ph.D. students
39. Professor in Chemistry (Reserved for SC)
The School has recently commenced research and teaching in Chemistry and intends to expand in
the areas of Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Polymer and Theoretical Chemistry, as well as in the
frontier areas of Supramolecular and Materials Chemistry, Laser Spectroscopy and X-ray
Crystallography. However, outstanding candidates in all areas of Chemistry are encouraged to
apply. Candidates must have a Ph.D degree in Chemistry or an allied discipline with publications
in peer reviewed journals.
40. Professor in Mathematics (Reserved for ST)
The School has recently initiated research in the areas of Algebra, Number Theory, Elliptic
Curves and Modular Forms; Lie Groups and Probability, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical
Systems. Prospective candidates are desired to have a Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics with published
research work. However, outstanding candidates in all areas of Mathematics are encouraged to
41. Professor in Physics (Unreserved)
The current research activities of the School are in Experimental and Theoretical Condensed
Matter Physics, Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, Biophysics, Chemical
Physics, Mathematical Physics, Materials Science, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Quantum
Optics and Nonlinear Optics, and String Theory. The School is interested in expanding its
research activities in some important areas such as Biology-Inspired Physics, Cosmology, High
Energy Physics, Quantum Aspects of Gravity, Quantum Computation and Quantum Optics.
However, outstanding candidates in all areas of experimental and theoretical Physics are
encouraged to apply. Candidates must have a Ph.D. Degree in Physics or an allied discipline
with publications in peer reviewed journals.
42-43 Associate Professor in Chemistry (Two posts) (Both Unreserved)
The School has recently commenced research and teaching in Chemistry, and intends to expand
in the areas of Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Polymer and Theoretical Chemistry, as well as in the
frontier areas of Supramolecular and Materials Chemistry, Laser Spectroscopy and X-ray
Crystallography. However, outstanding candidates in all areas of Chemistry are encouraged to
apply. Candidates must have a Ph.D degree in Chemistry or an allied discipline with publications
in peer reviewed journals.
44-45 Associate Professor in Mathematics (Two posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for SC)
The School has recently initiated research in the areas of Algebra, Number Theory, Elliptic
Curves and Modular Forms; Lie Groups and Probability, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical
Systems. Prospective candidates are desired to have a Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics with published
research work. However, outstanding candidates in all areas of Mathematics are encouraged to
46-48 Associate Professor in Physics (Three Posts) (One Unreserved, one reserved for SC and one
for ST)
The current research activities of the School are in Experimental and Theoretical Condensed
Matter Physics, Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, Biophysics, Chemical
Physics, Mathematical Physics, Materials Science, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Quantum
Optics and Nonlinear Optics, and String Theory. The School is interested in expanding its
research activities in some important areas such as Biology-Inspired Physics, Cosmology, High
Energy Physics, Quantum Aspects of Gravity, Quantum Computation and Quantum Optics.
However, outstanding candidates in all areas of experimental and theoretical Physics are
encouraged to apply. Candidates must have a Ph.D. Degree in Physics or an allied discipline with
publications in peer reviewed journals.
49 Assistant Professor (Temporary Leave Vacancy) (Initially for one year) (Unreserved)
Specialization desired in Experimental and Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Equilibrium
and Nonequilibruim Statistical Physics, Biophysics, Chemical Physics, Mathematical Physics,
Materials Science, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Quantum Optics and Nonlinear Optics, and
String Theory. The School is interested in expanding its research activities in some important
areas such as Biology-Inspired Physics, Cosmology, High Energy Physics, Quantum Aspects of
Gravity, Quantum Computation and Quantum Optics. Candidates must have a Ph.D. degree in
Physics or an allied discipline with publications in peer reviewed journals.
50-51 Professor (Two Posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for ST)
52-54 Associate Professor (Three Posts) (One Unreserved, one reserved for SC and one for ST)
JNU is proposing to create a world-class Centre for research and teaching in Nano Science and
Technology. This Centre will be interdisciplinary in nature, and include faculty from all science
disciplines, e.g., physics, chemistry, biology, material science, etc. Applicants must have a Ph.D.
in one of these disciplines with appropriate research/teaching experience. Further, they must
have published research in refereed international journals on topics related to Nano Science and
(Specialization common for post nos. 50-54))
55-56 Professor (Two Posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for SC)
57-61 Associate Professor (Five Posts) (Three Unreserved, one reserved for SC and one for ST)
Specialization in Bioinformatics/Structural Biology and Drug Designing; Medical and Synthetic
Chemistry; Chemical Biology; Clinical Biochemistry; Molecular Diagnostics; Stem Cell
Biology; Tissue Engineering; Human Physiology and diseases; Oncology; Systems Biology; Cell
Biology; Molecular Genetics; Biomarker Discovery; Viral and Parasitic Diseases.
Candidates with Ph.D. and relevant post-doctoral experience in the above area(s) of Molecular
Medicine as evidenced by excellent and consistent publication record in the relevant fields with
strong motivation for teaching and research are encouraged to apply. Medical graduates with
significant contribution in the related areas of research are highly encouraged to apply. For such
medical professionals, MBBS/BVSC or equivalent with MD/MVSc/ Ph.D. and publications in
international peer-reviewed journals in relevant subjects are essential.
(Specialization common for post nos. 55-61)
62 Professor (Unreserved)
- A doctoral degree in Science including Science Policy or Engineering or Management
including Economics or Law in IPR related issues.
- Teaching/ research experience in Intellectual Property Rights/Innovation/Research and
Development OR Industrial experience with reputed industrial houses in handling
Technology Transfer/Knowledge Management/IPR Policy/Patenting and Commercialisation.
- Candidates having teaching/research experience should have authored some books published
by reputed publishing houses and/or research papers published in peer reviewed journals on
IPR related issues as a part of academic pursuit.
Candidates having industrial experience should have proven records of taking policy
decisions promoting R & D activities followed by commercialization of research products.
- The candidate should be well versed on various IPR laws, policies and practices in India,
foreign countries and in world bodies.
63 Associate Professor (Reserved for SC)
- Master’s degree in Physics/ Biophysics/ Chemistry/ Chemical Engineering or allied areas
with at least B+ grade or equivalent followed by a Ph.D. degree in the relevant area.
- At least 8 years experience of research/teaching in a university/research organization/
laboratory of repute. The candidates must have experience related to
MS/SEM/TEM/XRD/FTIR/NMR etc. The candidates must have hands on experience of
working in these techniques as evident from the published work and experience.
- Working experience with above mentioned equipment as evident from the publications is
64 Professor (Reserved for SC)
Eminent Scholar in Sanskrit Studies.
65 Associate Professor (Reserved for SC)
Specialization in Sanskrit Studies.
66-67 Professor (Two Posts) (One reserved for ST and one Unreserved)
68 Associate Professor (Unreserved)
69 Associate Professor (Reserved for SC)
- Ph.D. in relevant discipline.
- Specialisation in Public Policy, Jurisprudence and Constitutional Law, Development Studies,
Governance and Development, Markets and Governance, Socio-Legal Studies, Economic
Analysis of Law and Technology, Law and Society.
(Specialization common for post Nos. 66-69)
70 Assistant Professor (Backlog Reserved vacancy) (Reserved for ST)
Bachelor’s degree in Law and Master’s Degree in Political Science, Public Administration,
Sociology, Economics and Law. Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree in any of the areas:
Jurisprudence, Constitutional law, Legal Philosophy, Regulations and Globalization of Law.
71 Professor (Unreserved)
(i) Experience of working in an ASC at Senior Level; (ii) Multidisciplinary approach to teaching
and research; and (iii) Exposure to International and National level institutions of high repute.
Centre for Economic Studies and Planning (CESP)
72 Professor (Reserved for SC)
Specialisation in Econometrics/Theoretical Economics/Applied Economics
73-74 Associate Professor (Two Posts) (One reserved for SC and one for ST)
Specialisation in Theoretical Economics/Applied Economics/Econometrics/Development
Economics/Trade/ Public Finance/ Economic History/Environmental Economics/Mathematical
Centre for Historical Studies (CHS)
75 Professor in Medieval Indian History (Reserved for SC)
Specialisation in Medieval Indian History
Centre for Political Studies (CPS)
76-77 Associate Professor (Two Posts) (One reserved for SC and one for ST)
Specialization in Indian Politics, Comparative Politics/International Relations and Political
Centre for the Study of Social Systems (CSSS)
78 Professor (Reserved for SC)
Specialization in any area in Sociology
79 Professor (Unreserved)
Specialization in Urban Sociology/Sociology of Organizations/Industrial Sociology
80 Associate Professor (Unreserved)
Specialization in Economy and Society/ Development Studies/Globalization:
(i) Master’s degree in Sociology or allied discipline; (ii) Ph.D. in Sociology/Social Anthropology;
(iii) Out of five required publications, three should in recognized/refereed journals in area of
specialization. The candidate must be willing and able to teach the course in any of the specified
areas of specialization.
81 Assistant Professor (Reserved for OBC)
Any area of Sociology
Centre for Studies in Science Policy (CSSP)
82 Professor (Reserved for SC)
An eminent scholar with specialisation in science policy studies and Ph.D. in science policy
studies with published work of high quality in science policy studies, actively engaged in research
with evidence of published (minimum of ten publications as books and/or research papers in
reputed journals) work with 10 years of experience in post-graduate teaching and research (Out of
this, minimum of 4 years of teaching at PG level in science policy studies is essential and
excluding the years of research leading to Ph.D.) at the national/international level institutions,
including experience of guiding research at doctoral level; in at least two
areas/fields/specializations of science policy studies (technological change and innovation
studies, social, political and historical studies of science and technology, policies for emerging
technologies, science, technology and globalization, energy environment and development).
Candidate should have made substantial contribution to course design, teaching and innovation.
Centre for the Study of Regional Development (CSRD)
83 Professor in Population Geography/Settlement Geography (Reserved for SC)
(i) Specialization in the Population Geography/Settlement Geogrpahy (ii) Proven evidence of
having done outstanding research in the concerned field as related to regional development in
84 Professor in Geography (Unreserved)
Specialisation in Regional Development
85 Associate Professor in Economics (Unreserved)
Specialization in Development Economics with Work in Regional Analysis as desirable
86 Associate Professor (Reserved for ST)
Specialization in Regional Economics/Urban Economics
Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies (ZHCES)
87 Professor in Social Psychology of Education (Reserved for ST)
(i) Significant publications in refereed journals in the areas of Cultural Psychology/Social
Psychology/Developmental Psychology/Cognitive Sciences
(ii) Evidence of interest in inter-disciplinary research in education.
Centre of Social Medicine and Community Health (CSMCH)
88 Professor (Reserved for SC)
- Eminent Scholar from the Medical or Nursing Streams with high quality research and
publications in the area of public health.
- Competence in inter-disciplinary work with publications related to Health Policy and Social
Dimensions of Health is desirable.
Centre for Philosophy (CP)
89 Associate Professor (Reserved for SC)
(i) M.A. and Ph.D. in Philosophy; (ii) Specialization in Epistemology/Metaphysics/Ethics in
Indian Philosophy/Comparative philosophy.
Women’s Studies Programme (WSP)
90 Professor (Tenure Post upto 31.3.2017) (Reserved for SC)
(i) Ph.D in Social Sciences/Humanities
(ii) Minimum 10 years experience in Gender issues
91 Associate Professor (Tenure post upto 31.03.2017) (Unreserved)
(i) Ph.D. in Social Sciences/Humanities;
(ii) (ii) At least 8 years experience in gender issues.
92 Assistant Professor (Tenure post upto 31.3.2017) (Unreserved)
(i) Ph.D in Social Sciences/Humanities
(ii) At least 2 years experience in gender issues and teaching/research experience &
publications in the relevant area will be given additional weightage.
Centre for the Study of Discrimination and Exclusion (CSDE)
93 Professor (Tenure post upto 31.3.2017) (Unreserved)
(i) Specialisation in any discipline of Social Sciences (History/Economics/Political
Sciences/Sociology/Social Anthropology/Education) OR Law;
(ii) Ph.D. and publications in the areas of Discrimination and Exclusion with special
reference to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Minorities.
94-95 Associate Professor (Two Posts) (Tenure posts upto 31.3.2017) (One Unreserved and one
reserved for SC)
(i) Post Graduate degree in any discipline of Social Sciences or Law;
(ii) Ph.D. and publications in the areas of Discrimination and Exclusion with special
reference to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Minorities.
North East India Studies Programme (NEISP)
96-97 Professor (Two posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for ST)
(i) Ph.D in Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences or Environmental Sciences;
(ii) Good publication record with at least one authored book.
Specialisation: (i) Language, Culture and Identity, (ii) Development, technology and
Environment (iii) Livelihood and Public Policy (iv) History, Society and Politics (v) Social
Change and Movements (vi) Comparative and Transnational Studies.
98 Associate Professor (Unreserved)
(i) Masters and Ph.D in Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences or Environmental Sciences;
(ii) Good publication record
Specialisation: (i) Language, Culture and Identity, (ii) Development, technology and
Environment (iii) Livelihood and Public Policy (iv) History, Society and Politics; (v) Social
Change and Movements (vi) Comparative and Transnational Studies.
Centre for Informal Sector & Labour Studies (CISLS)
99-100 Professor (Two Posts) (Both Unreserved)
Specialization in Political Science/ History/ Sociology/Economics with evidence of research and
publication in informal sector and labour studies.
101 Associate Professor in Economics (Reserved for SC)
Evidence of research and publication in informal sector and labour studies
102 Associate Professor in History (Reserved for SC)
Evidence of research and publication in informal sector and labour studies
Centre for Media Studies (CMS)
103 Professor (Unreserved)
(i) Candidates should have Ph.D. in an area relevant for Media Studies; (ii) Candidates with
published work of repute shall be preferred (iii) Publications may be such which impinge on
Media, Society and Polity
104-105 Associate Professor (Two Posts) (Both Unreserved)
(i) Candidates should have Ph.D. in an area relevant for Media Studies; (ii) Candidates with
published work of repute shall be preferred; (iii) Publications should be such which impinge on
Media, Society and Polity.
Centre for French and Francophone Studies (CFFS)
106-107 Associate Professor in French (Two Posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for SC).
- Specialization in Literature/Translation & Interpretation/ Didactics and Linguistics/Culture
and Civilization.
Centre for Spanish, Portuguese, Italian & Latin American Studies (CSPILAS)
108 Associate Professor in Spanish (Unreserved)
Post graduate teaching and experience of research in the area of Hispanic Literatures, especially
Cervantes, Indo Hispanic Comparative Literature and abiding interest in contemporary issues
related to the cultural studies pertaining to the Hispanic world. Experience of guiding research.
109 Assistant Professor in Portuguese (Reserved for ST) (Backlog Reserved vacancy)
- (i) M.A. in Portuguese or in any Romance Language preferably Spanish or in Humanities
with perfect knowledge of Portuguese;
- (ii) Experience in research/teaching in Iberian or Brazilian Studies; knowledge of Portuguese
literature and its culture and civilization.
Centre for Japanese, Korean & North East Asian Studies (CJKNEAS)
110 Professor in Korean (Unreserved)
- Ph.D. in any one of the following fields from a recognized University;
a) Korean Language, Literature and Culture/Korean Studies;
b) Minimum 10 years of experience of teaching Korean Language, Literature and Culture at
post graduate level;
c) Minimum ten years experience of research in the relevant field with publication of good
d) Experience of developing courses and teaching materials for B.A. & M.A. Programmes
in Korean Language, Literature and Culture Studies.
- Experience of study/research in a recognized Korean University for minimum two years is
111 Associate Professor in Japanese (Reserved for SC)
- Ph.D. in any one of the following studies from a recognized University;
(a) Japanese Language/Studies; (b) Japanese Linguistics; (c) Japanese Language and Culture;
(ii) Minimum 8 years of experience of teaching Japanese Language and Literature at Degree
and post-graduate level.
- Specialization in Japanese Literature/ Linguistics/Culture. Experience of research at Japanese
University in Japan; and Contribution to innovative teaching methods or production of
teaching material is desirable.
Centre for Chinese & South-East Asian Studies (CCSEAS)
112 Professor in Chinese (Unreserved)
Specialisation in Chinese language, sufficiently equipped to teach at undergraduate and post
graduate levels, and to conduct research in Chinese language, literature and culture studies (ii) Ph.
D. in Sinology; (iii) Teaching experience in Chinese Language, Literature, Culture and
Civilization; (iv) Published works of repute in the area; (v) Research experience in Chinese
universities and institutes.
Centre for Linguistics (CL)
113 Professor (Reserved for SC)
Specialization in Sociolinguistics/ Historical Linguistics/General Linguistics.
114 Associate Professor in Linguistics (Reserved for ST)
Specialization in Language Technology/ Cognitive Linguistics/ Pragmatics/ General Linguistics.
115 Assistant Professor (Reserved for ST)
General and Applied Linguistics; and interest in the new and current areas of Linguistics.
Centre for English Studies (CES)
116 Associate Professor in English (Unreserved)
Specialization in 19th/20th Century British Literature.
117 Associate Professor in English (Unreserved)
Specialization in 16th/17th/18th Century British Literature.
Centre for Persian & Central Asian Studies (CPCAS)
118 Associate Professor in Persian (Unreserved)
- (i) Specialization & teaching experience to teach advanced translation and interpretation
from Persian into English and vice versa; (ii) Knowledge of Indo-Persian Studies; (iii) At
least 8 years experience of teaching Modern Persian Language & Literature.
Centre of German Studies (CGS)
119 Professor in German (Unreserved)
Candidate should have specialized in any of the following fields of teaching and research: (i)
German Literature; (ii) Translation Studies; (iii) Linguistics; (iv) German as a Foreign Language.
120-121 Associate Professor in German (Two Posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for SC )
Candidates should have specialized in any of the following fields of teaching and research: (i)
German Literature/Culture and Civilization; (ii) Translation Studies; (iii) Linguistics; (iv) German
as a Foreign Language.
122 Assistant Professor in German (Unreserved)
Specialisation in Linguistics, German as a Foreign Language or Translation Studies
Centre of Arabic and African Studies (CAAS)
123 Associate Professor in Arabic (Reserved for SC)
(i) Experience of teaching simultaneous interpretation Arabic-English-Arabic is desirable; (ii)
Specialization in Contemporary Arabic Literature and/or teaching methodology and material
production; (iii) Publications.
Centre of Indian Languages (CIL)
124 Professor in Hindi (Reserved for SC)
Experience of supervising successful doctoral research.
125 Professor in Bangla (Reserved for ST)
Experience of supervising successful doctoral research is desirable.
126 Professor in Urdu (Unreserved)
Experience of supervising successful doctoral research.
127 Professor in Hindi Translation (Unreserved)
(1) As per UGC Norms; (2) Ph.D in Hindi
Desirable: (i) Published work of High quality in the field of Hindi Translation; (ii) theoretical
Aspects of Translation Studies.
128 Professor in Tamil (Unreserved)
As per UGC norms
129 Associate Professor in Hindi (Reserved for SC)
Specialisation in Medieval Hindi Literature
130 Associate Professor in Hindi Translation (Reserved for ST)
Experience of translation between Indian Languages is desirable
131 Associate Professor in Bengali (Unreserved)
Experience of supervising successful doctoral research is desirable.
132 Assistant Professor in Urdu (Backlog Reserved vacancy) (Reserved for SC)
Centre for International Trade and Development (CITD)
133-135 Professor (Three posts) (Two posts Unreserved and one reserved for ST)
136-137 Associate Professor (Two posts) (Both Unreserved)
Specialization in Micro Economics, Macro Economics, Development Economics,
Econometrics, International Trade Theory, International Monetary Economics, Industrial
(Specialisation common for post nos. 133-137)
Centre for East Asian Studies (CEAS)
138-139 Professor in Japanese Studies (Two Posts) (One Unreserved and one reserved for SC).
(i) Ph.D. in Japanese Studies; (ii) Familiarity with Japanese Language with field experience in
Japan; (iii) Publications on Japan;
Specialization in Japanese Economics
140 Associate Professor in Chinese Studies (Reserved for SC)
(i) M.A. in Social Sciences (Political Science/Sociology/ Economics/ History/ International
Relations); (ii) Ph.D. in Chinese Studies; (iii) Knowledge of Chinese Language; (iv) Evidence of
work in Chinese Economy
141 Associate Professor in Korean Studies (Reserved for ST)
(i) M.A. in Social Sciences (Political Science/ Economics/ History/ Sociology/ International
Relations); (ii) M.Phil/Ph.D. in Korean Studies; (iii) Knowledge of Korean Language;
Specialization in Korean Economy, Foreign Policy or Society.
Centre for Comparative Politics & Political Theory (CCPPT)
142 Associate Professor in Indian Politics (Reserved for SC)
M.A. and Ph.D. in Social Sciences Indian Politics and research/teaching experience as laid down
by UGC guidelines. Publications in the field desirable.
Specialisation : Indian Politics
143 Associate Professor in Comparative Politics and/or Political Theory (Unreserved)
M.A. and Ph.D. in Social Sciences and research/teaching experience as laid down by UGC
guidelines. Publications in the field is desirable.
Specialization: Comparative Politics and/or Political Theory.
Centre for West Asian Studies (CWAS)
144 Professor (Reserved for SC)
Specialisation in History/Political Science/Sociology/Economics of the West Asian and North
African region.
Centre for African Studies (CAS)
145 Associate Professor (Unreserved)
Ph.D. in African Studies; (ii) Should have successfully done teaching courses in African Studies
at post-graduate level; (iii) Specialization in Lusophone Africa
146 Associate Professor (Reserved for ST)
Ph.D. in African Studies; (ii) Should have successfully done teaching courses in African Studies
at Post-graduate level; (iii) Specialization in Francophone Africa is desirable.
Centre for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament (CIPOD)
147 Professor in Political Geography (Reserved for SC)
Strong background in theoretical aspects of political geography and/or critical geopolitics.
148 Professor (Unreserved)
Candidates with research focus and publications on issues of international Relations theory,
specifically international political economy.
149 Associate Professor in International Organization (Reserved for SC)
Strong background in theoretical aspects of international organization with specialization in
trade-related international organizations or international non-governmental organizations.
150 Associate Professor in International Politics (Reserved for SC)
Strong background in IR theory with specialization in social constructivism and/or globalization
151 Associate Professor in Diplomacy and Disarmament Studies (Unreserved)
Strong background in Diplomatic Studies with specialization in International Environmental
Negotiations or Business Negotiations or Conference Diplomacy.
152 Associate Professor in Diplomacy and Disarmament Studies (Unreserved)
Strong background in arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation issues with high quality
research/publications on one or more of the following areas: multilateral arms control, arms
control diplomacy, export control treaties/regimes and India’s policies.
153 Associate Professor (Unreserved)
Candidate should have strong background in political geography with high quality
research/publications in global environmental geopolitics/postmodern geopolitics.
Centre for South, Central, Southeast Asian and Southwest Pacific Studies (CSCSEASWPS)
154 Associate Professor in Southeast Asian Studies (Reserved for SC)
(i) M.A. in Economics; (ii) Ph.D. and research publications on economic issues of Southeast
Knowledge of any of Southeast Asian languages is desirable.
Centre for Canadian, US and Latin American Studies (CCUSLAS)
155 Professor in American (US) Studies (Reserved for SC)
(i) Specialisation in Political Science/International Relations/Economics and Ph.D. in U.S.
Studies; (ii) Evidence of independent research publications after Ph.D. in books and articles of
reputed Journals on contemporary American Affairs; (iii) Ten years of teaching experience with
atleast 6 years of teaching and American Studies; (iv) Evidence of guiding research at the
doctoral level.
156 Professor in Latin American Studies (Reserved for ST)
(i) Specialisation in Political Science/International Studies; (ii) Ph.D. in Latin American Studies
with research and published work on contemporary domestic politics/foreign policy of the
region/specific country, specialization in Latin American Studies; (iii) Ten years of teaching
experience with atleast 6 years of teaching in Latin American and Caribbean Studies; (iv)
Evidence of guiding research at the doctoral level.
157 Associate Professor in American (US) Studies (Unreserved)
(i) M.A. in Social Sciences, (ii) M.Phil and Ph.D. in American Studies; (iii) Minimum of 8 years
of teaching and/or research, with at least 4 years of teaching experience in a recognized academic
institution is essential; (iv) Strong evidence of independent research and research guidance.
158 Associate Professor in Latin American Studies (Unreserved)
(i) M.A. in Political Science/International Studies; (ii) Research and published work on a major
South American country preferably Brazil on contemporary domestic politics, environmental
issues, developmental process; (iii) M.Phil/Ph.D. in Latin American Studies is compulsory; (iv)
Minimum of 08 years of teaching and/or research experience, with at least 4 years of teaching
experience in a recognized academic institution is compulsory.
Centre for European Studies (CES)
159-160 Associate Professor in European Studies (Two Posts) (Both reserved for SC)
(i) M.A. in Political Science/ International Relations;
Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies (CRCAS)
161-163 Associate Professor in Russian, Central Asian/ CIS Studies (Three Posts) (One Unreserved,
one reserved for SC and one for ST).
(i) M.A. in any discipline of Social Sciences and Ph.D. in Soviet/CIS Studies;
Desirable: Working knowledge of Russian language.
Centre for International Legal Studies (CILS)
164 Professor in International Economic Law (Unreserved)
Ph.D. in Public International Law from a reputed University; Minimum 10 years post-graduate
teaching experience in International Law; Experience in research supervision is essential;
Excellent publications record including articles in reputed international law journals;
Specialization in International Economic Law.
Candidates must possess the qualifications as prescribed by the UGC for the respective posts. The above
posts carry UGC pay scales plus admissible allowances:
(i) A relaxation of 5% may be provided from 55% to 50% of the marks at the Master’s level for the
SC/ST/PH category.
(ii) A relaxation of 5% may be provided, from 55% to 50% of the marks, to the Ph.D. Degree
holders who have passed their Master's Degree prior to 19 September 1991.
(iii) B in the following 7 point scale with letter grades O,A,B,C,D,E and F shall be regarded
equivalent of 55% wherever the grading systems is followed.
Grade Grade
Percentage Equivalent
"O" = Outstanding 5.50 - 6.00 75-100
"A" = Very Good 4.50 - 5.49 65-74
"B" = Good 3.50 - 4.49 55-64
"C" = Average 2.50 - 3.49 45-54
"D" = Below
1.50 - 2.49 35-44
"E" = Poor 0.50 - 1.49 25-34
"F" = Fail 0.00 - 0.49 00-24
1. Application form duly filled in all respect by the candidate must be supported by attested copies of all
certificates, Mark Sheets, evidence of teaching/research experience and production of
M.A./M.Phil/Ph.D./NET certificates, copies of reprints of published articles, certificate containing the
record of date of birth, etc.
2. Incomplete application form without signature of candidate or without the prescribed fee shall
summarily be rejected.
3. The University reserves the right to:
(i) draw panel(s) for future appointment(s) in the event of non-joining of candidate(s) within the
stipulated time.
(ii) consider the applications received after the last date; but eligibility will be determined as on the
last date of submission of application.
(iii) consider “in-absentia” those who may have applied but are not able to appear for the interview;
(iv) Consider candidates applying from abroad or from PH category for Skype interview; and
(v) not to fill up any of the advertised positions.
4. Qualifications and other conditions applicable are subject to UGC regulations 2010and as amended
from time to time.
5. The period of time spent by the candidates to acquire M.Phil and/or Ph.D. Degree shall not be
considered as research experience.
6. Relaxation in educational qualifications, experience, age, etc. to the reserved category candidates will
be permissible as per Government of India rules.
7. Candidates belonging to SC/ST category must submit appropriate certificates issued by the competent
authority recently as per the format prescribed by the Government of India. In the case of OBC
reservations, certificate should be issued from competent authority particularly with reference to
Non–creamy layer. Those who fail to submit the required certificate(s) will be treated as General
Category, subject to fulfillment of other terms & conditions.
8. The candidates applying under PWD Category are required to submit the Disability Certificate issued
by the competent authority in the format prescribed by Government of India for this purpose.
9. The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere possession of the same does not
entitle candidates to be called for interview. Where the number of applications received in response to
an advertisement is large and it will not be convenient or possible to interview all the candidates, the
University, at its discretion, may restrict the number of candidates to a reasonable limit on the basis of
qualifications/experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement.
10. Post number and post applied for should be clearly indicated on the application form.
11. Separate Application Form/Bio-Data Form is required to be filled up for each post.
12. Those already in Government service etc. should forward their application through proper channel.
13. Candidates applying for the post of Professor and Associate Professor are advised to ensure that they
possess the minimum API scores prescribed and evidence in this regard be attached with the
The list of refereed Journals (Classified in Category A, B, C & D) of all Schools/Centres/Special
Centres of the University have been uploaded on the JNU website under “Career Option” for the
reference of the candidates.
14. The eligibility of the candidates will be determined on the basis of qualifications acquired by them
upto the last date fixed for receipt of applications.
15. The University reserves the right to modify/withdraw/cancel any communication made to the
candidate(s) at any stage in case of any inadvertent mistake in the process of selection may be
detected even after issue of appointment letter.
16. The University shall verify the antecedents or documents submitted by a candidate at any time of
appointment or during the tenure of the service. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted
by the candidates are fake or the candidate has undesirable clandestine/antecedents and has
suppressed the said information, then his service shall be terminated.
17. The applications should reach the University at the address given below within one month from the
date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News.
18. A candidate, who has applied earlier informally and sent his/her bio-data/academic vitae earlier to the
Vice-Chancellor or any other competent authority of the University, must apply afresh by following
the procedure.
19. Candidates are advised to submit their applications well in time and should not wait for the last date
of receipt of applications. The University will not be responsible for postal delays etc. and no
correspondence/queries will be entertained from candidates on this account.
20. The University reserves the right to alter/insert any corrections/additions in the advertisement/website
in the event of any typographical error before the last date prescribed for the receipt of applications, for
which the candidates are advised to be in the lookout for announcements in the JNU website .
Note: The candidates who have applied earlier for teaching position(s) with reference to Advt. No.
RC/39/2009 are required to apply afresh, in the Application Form, Bio-Data Form obtainable
from the Recruitment Cell or to be accessed from JNU Website: www.jnu.ac.in. Those who fail to
apply afresh as per New UGC Regulations, 2010 will have no claim whatsoever for consideration
for the post(s) applied earlier.
Application Form can be obtained in person on payment of Rs. 500/- by demand draft by candidates
belonging to General & OBC category or can be obtained by post by sending a demand draft for Rs. 520/-
(Rs. 500/- plus Rs. 20/- postal charges for General & OBC category). Payable on any nationalized bank in
favour of the Finance Officer, Jawaharlal Nehru University payable at New Delhi (non-refundable)
along with a self-addressed (unstamped) envelope (size 24 cm x 30 cm) to The Section Officer,
Recruitment Cell, Room No. 131, Administrative Block, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi –
110067. The application form can also be downloaded from JNU website: www.jnu.ac.in. and the duly
filled-in application form can be submitted alongwith the demand draft of Rs. 500/- in case of General
and OBC category to the University at the above address. There is no application fee for SC/ST/PH
kindly view official website for updateded info.
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