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Nagaland Public Service Commission (NPSC) Kohima invites applications for vacancies under the Government of Nagaland. ADVERTISEMENT NO. NPSC-3/2012-2013

Written By fresher2expert on Sunday, November 18, 2012 | 6:48 PM

English: Official seal of the Government of Na...
English: Official seal of the Government of Nagaland, India (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Nagaland Public Service Commission (NPSC) Kohima invites applications for vacancies under the Government of Nagaland. ADVERTISEMENT NO. NPSC-3/2012-2013


Applications are invited for filling up the following vacancies under the Government of Nagaland in the manner prescribed below:
Item No.1: 6 (six) post of Junior Dental Surgeon (class-1 Gazetted) under Health & Family Welfare Department.
Item No. 2: 2 (two) post of Vety. Asstt. Surgeon (class-I Gazetted) under Vety & Animal Husbandary Department.
Item No. 3: 3 (three) post of Physiotherapist (class-II Gazetted) under Health & Family Welfare  Department.
Item No. 4: 2 (two)  post of Forest Ranger (class-II Gazetted) under Forest Department.
Item No. 5: (a) 2 (two) post of Statistical Officer (class-II Gazetted) under Economic &  Statistics Department.
  (b) 1 (one) post of Inspector of Statistics (class-III Non-Gazetted) under Eco. & Statistics Department.
Item No. 6: (a) 1 (one) post of Asstt. Mechanical Engineer (class-1 Gazetted) under Work & Housing Department.
  (b) 1 (one) post of Junior Engineer (Mechanical) (class-II Gazetted) under Work & Housing Department.
Item No. 7: 1 (one) post of Junior Engineer (Drilling) (class-II Gazetted) under Geology & Mining   Department.
Item No.8:     (a)         8 (Eight) Post of SDO (Civil) (Class-I Gazetted) under Work and Housing Department.
                       (b)         12 (Twelve) Post of JE (Civil) (Class-II Gazetted) under Work and Housing Department.
Item No. 9: 3 (three) post of Junior Engineer (class II Gazetted) under Irrigation & Flood Control Department.
Item No. 10: 4 (four) post of Overseer (S.O.) Gr-I (class-III Non-Gazetted) under Rural Development Department.
Item No. 11: 1 (one) post of Junior Engineer (Electrical) (class-II Gazetted) under New &   Renewable Energy Department.
Item No.1: Bachelor of Dental Surgeon.
Item No. 2: B.V.Sc. & A.H/M.V.Sc./G.B.VC/G.M.VC/G.V.Sc. or Equivalent.
Item No. 3: Bachelor in Physiotherapist.
Item No. 4: The candidate shall hold at least a second class Bachelor’s Degree in Science, Forestry or Agriculture of a recognized University. In the case of a University not awarding Class/Division for their Degrees, the candidate must have secured at least 50% of the aggregate marks. 50% Post of the total direct Recruitment post shall be kept reserved for Forestry Graduates. Candidates having a Bachelors degree/ post Graduate degree in science may choose either Forestry or Agriculture as subject option.
For men                                                          For Women
(1)   Chest 84-89 cm                                         (1) 79-84cm
(2)   Height 152 cm                                          (2) 145 cm
(3)   Walking test 25 kms in 4 hours                 (3) 16 kms in 4 hours
Item No. 5: (a) Post Graduate in Economics/Statistics/Mathematics/Commerce or a Graduate with anyone of the above subjects with minimum 3 years experience as inspector of Statistics.   
        (b) Bachelor Degree with Honours in Economics/Statistics/Mathematics/Commerce or a graduate with Economics/Statistics /Mathematics/Commerce as one of the subjects with 3 (three) years experience as S.I.S.
Item No. 6: (a) Degree in Mechanical Engineering or its equivalent from a recognized University.
                       (b) Degree in Mechanical Engineering or 3 (three) years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University/Board of Technical Education (India).
Item No. 7: Degree or 3 (three) years Diploma in Drilling/Mining/Mechanical/Automobile Engineering from a recognized University.
Item No.8:      (a)        Degree in Civil Engg.
(b)        Degree or 3 (three) years Diploma in Civil Engg or its equivalent from a recognized University/ Board of Technical Education (India).
Item No. 9: B.E (Agri. Engg.)/B.E. (Civil Engg) or 3 (three) years Diploma (Civil   Engineering)
Item No. 10: Degree/Diploma in Civil Engineering from any institution recognized by the Government of Nagaland.
Item No. 11:    B.E or Diploma in Electrical Engineeringg from a Recognized University.
                                              Scale Pay                      Grade Pay
Item No. 1,2,6 (a) 8(a)        15,600-39100                  5400
Item No. 3,4,5 (a)                9300-34800                    4600
Item No. 6(b),7,8(b),9 ,11.   9300-34800                    4400
Item No. 5 (b) 10                 5200-20,200                   2800
Age as on 01.01.2012             Minimum                  Maximum
                                                      21yrs                          30yrs
1.      The upper age limit is relaxable by:
(a)    5(five) years for candidates belonging to SC/ST.
Age concession for serving Government employees will be allowed, the equal number of years they are in service subject to a maximum of 5(five) years.
      80% of the vacancies are reserved for the candidates belonging to (a) Any Naga Tribe (b) Kuki (c) Kachari (d) Garo and (e) Mikir provided such persons are Indigenous Inhabitant of the State of Nagaland.
25% of the vacancies are reserved for the candidates belonging (a) Chang (b) Khiamniungan (c) Konyak (d) Phom (e) Sangtam and (f) Yimchunger.
Further balance of the vacancies are reserved for the candidates belonging to Chakhesang Tribe 4%, Zeliang Tribe 4%, Pochury Tribe 2% and 2% for Sumis of Kiphiri District vide Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department Notification NO’s. RCBT-5/87 (Pt-II) dated14-04-2011 and dated 15-06-2012.
2.      Application forms, syllabus and pattern of exam can be obtained from the office of the Commission on payment of Rs. 300/- (Rupees three hundred only) being fee for forms & Exams or download from the Commissions website at
3.      Candidates who desire to submit personally at the Commissions office must attach original money receipt issued by the commission or may submit by Regd. Post and must enclosed Bank Draft for Rs. 300/-(Rupees three hundred only) payable to Secretary, Nagaland Public Service Commission.
4.      Applications must be complete in all respect and accompanied by all prescribed documents specified in the application from including 2 (two) copies of resent passport photograph, original Examination fee receipt issued by the Commission/bank draft and a self addressed enveloped (9”x4”). Any application without all requisite documents specified including unsigned application, Elective subjects of the concerned discipline shall be summarily rejected.
5.      Proof of Educational Qualification: Mark Sheets & Pass Certificates from matriculation onwards till requisite qualification (provisional Certificate of Degree if Original Pass Certificate is not yet issued by Institute/University.
6.      Internship completion Certificate & Registration Certificate issued by the Dental Council of India/Indian Veterinary Council/ Indian Association of Physiotherapist is necessary for Dental, Veterinary and physiotherapist Candidates.
7.      For candidates who are Government employees and still serving “NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE” portion in the application form should be signed by the Head of Department with name and office seal along with date of appointment.
8.      HSLC/Matriculation/Equivalent Admit Card for proof of Date of Birth. No other Certificates will be entertained for proof of age.
9.      For Physically handicapped candidate, certificate from competent medical authority is required.
10.  Indigenous Inhabitant Certificate (I.I.C), S.C/S.T & B.T. (if applicable) certificates. Indigenous Inhabitant Certificate S.C/S.T & B.T Certificates should be signed only by District Authority not below the rank of Additional Deputy Commissioner.
11.  Application received after the last date for submission shall be rejected. For application coming from outside the state a relaxation will be granted till 7-1-2013  provided it is addressed to the Secretary, Nagaland Public Service Commission and dispatched/posted on or before the last date for submission of application.
12.  Application forms will be issued from 19-11-2012 onwards.
     13. The last date for submission of application is 18-12-2012.



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