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Consultant – Training VACANCY RECRUITMENT BY State Health Society Bihar, under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), NOTIFICATION,ONLINE DETAILS

Written By fresher2expert on Tuesday, January 8, 2013 | 10:49 PM

English: National Rural Health Mission of India
 State Health Society Bihar, under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), Consultant – Training VACANCY RECRUITMENT BY State Health Society Bihar, under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), NOTIFICATION,ONLINE DETAILS

Inviting application
State Health Society Bihar, under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), invites application from suitable
candidates for the under mentioned post to be appointed on contractual basis

1. Consultant – Training UR - 01 
The candidate should have MBBS degree with clinical
background or MBBS with Public Health Management
degree/Post Graduation or higher educational qualification
in Health and Hospital Management/ Social Science/ Social
Work from any recognized University or AICTE affiliated
 The candidate should also have at least 3 years of
experience in the concerned field. S/He should have
understanding of the health system of the state.
 Candidates having MBBS degree with clinical background
or MBBS with PHM degree will be given preference.
 Essential knowledge of computer and internet.
 Previous experience of working with the Health System in
Bihar will be additional advantage.
General Condition:
1. Maximum Age limit is 45 years.(As on 31.12.12)
2. The recruitment will be on contract basis for a period of 1 year, which may be renewed every year based on
the performance & conduct of the contractual staff.
3. Application fees is Rs. 500/- for applicants under General category, Rs. 300/- for BC/EBC and Rs. 200/- for SC/
ST candidates.
4. No application will be accepted without submission of application fee.
5. Application Fee in the form of Bank Draft drawn on any nationalized bank and payable at Patna favoring
"State Health Society, Bihar" should be enclosed with application.
6. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview. All original educational certificates must be carried
at the time of interview.
7. No TA/DA will be given for attending the interview for any position.
8. State Health Society, Bihar reserves the right to cancel any or all the positions mentioned above without
assigning reason.
9. Application in the prescribed format and complete in all respect must be sent to The Executive Director,
State Health Society, Bihar, Pariwar Kalyan Bhawan, Sheikhpura, Patna-800014 containing original bank
draft and self attested photocopies of certificates in sealed envelope, only through speed/registered post so
as to reach the above address on or before 5:00 pm, 31/01/2013. The name of the post applied for must be
mentioned on the top of the envelope.
10. Detailed ToR, qualifications/experience/emoluments of above positions and application form is available
on the society’s official website (
Last date of submission of form is 31/01/2013 at 5 pm.
11. Applications should be sent in prescribed format available on the above mentioned website, clearly
mentioning the position applied for. Applications in other format will not be accepted.
12. For any further details/clarification regarding this advertisement, State Health Society, Bihar may be
contacted on working days during office hours (10AM to 5PM) on Contact No. 7488270145
Executive Director
State Health Society, Bihar
State Health Society, Bihar
Pariwar Kalyan Bhawan, Sheikhpura, Patna - 800014
Terms of Reference (ToR)
State Health Society Bihar, under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), invites
application from suitable candidates for the under mentioned post to be appointed on
contractual basis. The details are as follows:-
1. Post : Consultant - Training
No. of Position : 01(UR)
Reporting to : Deputy Director- Training, SHSB, Patna
Place of posting : State Health Society, Bihar, Patna.
Duration of Contract : One Year which may be renewed every year based on performance & conduct of
the contractual staff.
Maximum Age : 45 years (As on 31.12.12)
Remuneration : Rs. 35,000/-(Rupees Thirty Five Thousand only) per month consolidated.
 The candidate should have MBBS degree with clinical background or MBBS with Public Health
Management degree/Post Graduation or higher educational qualification in Health and Hospital
Management/Social Science/Social Work from any recognized University or AICTE affiliated
 The candidate should also have at least 3 years of experience in the concerned field. S/He should have
understanding of the health system of the state.
 Candidates having MBBS degree with clinical background or MBBS with PHM degree will be given preference.
 Essential knowledge of computer and internet.
 Previous experience of working with the Health System in Bihar will be additional advantage.
 Provide technical and managerial support for implementation of all the training programs in the state
under NRHM from time to time with SHSB.
 Assist the Deputy Director, Training Cell, SHSB in the matters related to training and also support in
coordinating with other SPOs.
 Coordinate with the districts in matters related to training and also help them in planning,
implementing, monitoring and evaluating the training programs conducted by the SHSB in the districts
and blocks.
 Undertake regular filed visits to the district and training sites for monitoring and quality check. H/she
will also submit the report of the field visits to the SHSB.
 Help the districts in identifying the sites for conducting different types of training.
 Liaisoning with Govt. & Non-Govt. agencies and development partners in successfully implementing the
training program.
 Regular follow-up of the trainings and also provide supportive supervision and handholding support to
the districts as and when required.
 Help the DD-Training in ensuring the release of budget to the concerned institutions and also ensure the
payment of TA/DA to the participants.
 Ensure the quality of training and all the logistics at the training sites with the support of concerned
district level nodal officers.
 Undertake any other duties related to training assigned by the SHSB.
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