DVC is looking for energetic and experienced engineers for induction of lateral entry in the rank of M3 & M4 level who are having experienced in 210 MW or above units in different discipline for Operation & Maintenance of upcoming plants along with Project Engineering, Corporate Monitoring of Projects & Corporate Material Management.
Mode of Application: Candidates should apply through DVC’s Online Registration System only. The Online Registration will be available on the website www.dvc.gov.in and will remain activated from 13.00 hrs of 05.01.2013 to 24.00 hrs of 28.01.2013 No other mode of application will be accepted.
Following Information/documents to be kept ready before applying ONLINE
1. One scanned photograph to be uploaded while applying. Besides, Candidate should arrange to have 4 (four) identical colored passport photographs duly self attested not older than 3 months of date of application to be stapled with the print out of the Application so made.
2. Details of caste (SC/ST/OBC/Ex Servicemen) certificate like date of issue, certificate no., issuing authority etc. as applicable to the candidate including non-creamy layer latest certificate for OBC candidates.
3. PH certificate details like percentage of disability, type of disability, issuing authority, etc. as applicable.
4. Year/Semester wise marks obtained in Degree/Diploma in percentage. School Final and / or HS examination etc. and other relevant details pertaining to proof of date of birth, academic qualifications etc.
5. Valid E-Mail ID of the candidate, which shall remain valid for at least 6(six) months from the date of this advertisement.
6. Departmental (DVC) Candidates have to apply ONLINE like outsiders and bring the print out of application along with the required documents duly countersigned by their Controlling Officer including certificate as shown in the APPENDIX and forwarded to DVC H.Q. at Kolkata within 05.02.2013.
7. After having arranged all information/documents, candidates should log on to www.dvc.gov.in and follow the instructions given therein for Online Application for the said post. After successful submission of the online data including uploading of scanned photo, a Unique Registration/Form Number will be generated and thereafter candidates need to take a printout of the application so made. Printout without system-generated number will not be accepted in any case.
8. Candidates are advised to take 2(two) Print outs of the Application and bring one of them putting his/her signature and Left Thumb Impression (LTI) at the allocated place in the Application Form along with documents . The thumb impression must be clear and complete. Ridges of the thumb impression must be clearly visible. The other copy along with enclosures should be sent to DVC within 05.02.2013.
Candidates will have to apply as per the format given in DVC website www.dvc.gov.in available from the Opening date as mentioned below along with the required attested copies of certificates & testimonials (Please refer to the Check List).
Non-submission of attested copies of certificates & testimonials including date of birth proof, certificates, individual marks sheets of all semesters/years, proof of approval of the Course by AICTE/Govt.Agency, proof of specialization, wherever required, will render the applications liable for rejection.
The application form duly signed and filled up, along with self attested documents/testimonials as per Check List should be sealed in an envelope duly superscribed with –
i) Name of the post
ii) Post No. and
iii) Category- GEN / OBC/ SC/ ST /PH (as the case may be).
The envelope containing the filled in application with enclosures should be sent only by ORDINARY POST on or before 05.02.2013 to:
1. The Joint Director of Personnel(R),
DVC, HRD Department, DVC Towers,
VIP Road, Kolkata-700054.
2. The Resident Director,
DVC, Qrts.No.F-11, HEC Colony,
Sector-III, P.O.-Dhurwa, Ranchi-8000004
Applications will not be received through Speed Post / Courier / Registered Post.
OPENING DATE: Online Applications will be available from 05.01.2013.
CLOSING DATE: Online Applications will be closed on 28.01.2013(24:00 hours).However the filled in applications should reach within 05.02.2013. DVC is not responsible for any postal delay/wrong delivery/loss in transit. Applications received after 05.02.2013 will not be considered. DVC will not be responsible for any postal delay / loss. Any sort of canvassing or influencing the Officials related to the Recruitment/ Selection process would result in immediate disqualification of the candidature. In case of any dispute, the decision of the management of DVC will be final and binding on all candidates
DVC employees, if any, applying, as departmental candidates, are required to send their online application through proper channel along with necessary documents and submit the same within the due date to their respective Controlling Officers, to enable them to forward the same so as to reach the Recruitment Section, DVC, HRD Deptt., DVC Towers, Kolkata-54 within a maximum period of 7(seven) working days from the closing date. No cognizance of the applications shall be given, if received at this end beyond 7 working days from the closing date.
Opening Date of Application ONLINE 05.01.2013(13:00 Hours)
Closing Date of Application ONLINE 28.01.2013 (24:00 Hours)
Hosting of Shortlisted Candidates Ist week of April, 2013 (Tentative)
For Personal Interview
Helpline No.033-6607-2537/2539/2526
DVC is looking for energetic and experienced engineers for induction of lateral entry in the rank of M3 & M4 level who are having experienced in 210 MW or above units in different discipline for Operation & Maintenance of upcoming plants along with Project Engineering, Corporate Monitoring of Projects & Corporate Material Management.
Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) came into being on July 7, 1948 by an Act of the Constituent Assembly (Act No. XIV of 1948) as the first multipurpose river valley project of independent India on the lines of Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) of USA. It is now one of the premier power utilities in India engaged in Thermal / Hydel Power Generation, Transmission & Distribution, peripheral activities for a sustained and eco-friendly growth of the Valley Area spread across the states of West Bengal (Durgapur,Purulia & Bankura Districts) and Jharkhand (Bokaro, Dhanbad & Koderma Districts) with its Head Quarters in Kolkata.
DVC invites ONLINE applications from result–oriented engineering professionals having relevant experience for induction of lateral entry at M3 & M4 level in the following posts of engineering disciplines with details under Table I, II & III below. Please read the advertisement carefully and ensure eligibility criteria before submitting On-Line application. The eligibility criteria regarding prescribed educational qualification, experience, age and other relevant details including modality as to how to apply are mentioned below
- Vacancies in M3 grade in the Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.6600/-, Age : 35 years
- Executive Engineer (Electrical) : 10 posts
- Executive Engineer (Mechanical) : 10 posts
- Executive Engineer (C&I) : 09 posts
- Executive Engineer (IT) : 06 posts
- Executive Engineer (Civil) : 01 post
- Vacancies in M4 grade in the Pay Scale : Rs.15600-39100 grade pay Rs.7600/-, Age : 35 years
- Senior Divisional Engineer (Electrical) : 20 posts
- Senior Divisional Engineer (Mechanical) : 24 posts
- Senior Divisional Engineer (C&I) : 10 posts
- Senior Divisional Engineer (IT) : 03 posts
- Senior Divisional Engineer (Civil) : 02 posts
- Selection will be on the basis of Educational Qualification,
Experience and performance in personal Interview .However in
case of more number of candidates screening test may also be
held. DVC may at their discretion may call for Personal Interview depending upon number of applications.
(i) Interview: - Candidates who are shortlisted based on the QR & experience will be called for Personal Interview provisionally without verification of age/qualification/category (SC/ST/ PWD/OBC) etc. of the candidates with reference to documents. Only those candidates who meet the QR & experience as decided by DVC shall be allowed for Personal Interview and the decision of DVC in this regard shall be final.
(ii) The candidates will appear for the Personal Interview at DVC HQ, Kolkata at their own expenses and risk and DVC will not be responsible for any injury/losses etc. of any nature.
Mode of Application: Candidates should apply through DVC’s Online Registration System only. The Online Registration will be available on the website www.dvc.gov.in and will remain activated from 13.00 hrs of 05.01.2013 to 24.00 hrs of 28.01.2013 No other mode of application will be accepted.
Following Information/documents to be kept ready before applying ONLINE
1. One scanned photograph to be uploaded while applying. Besides, Candidate should arrange to have 4 (four) identical colored passport photographs duly self attested not older than 3 months of date of application to be stapled with the print out of the Application so made.
2. Details of caste (SC/ST/OBC/Ex Servicemen) certificate like date of issue, certificate no., issuing authority etc. as applicable to the candidate including non-creamy layer latest certificate for OBC candidates.
3. PH certificate details like percentage of disability, type of disability, issuing authority, etc. as applicable.
4. Year/Semester wise marks obtained in Degree/Diploma in percentage. School Final and / or HS examination etc. and other relevant details pertaining to proof of date of birth, academic qualifications etc.
5. Valid E-Mail ID of the candidate, which shall remain valid for at least 6(six) months from the date of this advertisement.
6. Departmental (DVC) Candidates have to apply ONLINE like outsiders and bring the print out of application along with the required documents duly countersigned by their Controlling Officer including certificate as shown in the APPENDIX and forwarded to DVC H.Q. at Kolkata within 05.02.2013.
7. After having arranged all information/documents, candidates should log on to www.dvc.gov.in and follow the instructions given therein for Online Application for the said post. After successful submission of the online data including uploading of scanned photo, a Unique Registration/Form Number will be generated and thereafter candidates need to take a printout of the application so made. Printout without system-generated number will not be accepted in any case.
8. Candidates are advised to take 2(two) Print outs of the Application and bring one of them putting his/her signature and Left Thumb Impression (LTI) at the allocated place in the Application Form along with documents . The thumb impression must be clear and complete. Ridges of the thumb impression must be clearly visible. The other copy along with enclosures should be sent to DVC within 05.02.2013.
Candidates will have to apply as per the format given in DVC website www.dvc.gov.in available from the Opening date as mentioned below along with the required attested copies of certificates & testimonials (Please refer to the Check List).
Non-submission of attested copies of certificates & testimonials including date of birth proof, certificates, individual marks sheets of all semesters/years, proof of approval of the Course by AICTE/Govt.Agency, proof of specialization, wherever required, will render the applications liable for rejection.
The application form duly signed and filled up, along with self attested documents/testimonials as per Check List should be sealed in an envelope duly superscribed with –
i) Name of the post
ii) Post No. and
iii) Category- GEN / OBC/ SC/ ST /PH (as the case may be).
The envelope containing the filled in application with enclosures should be sent only by ORDINARY POST on or before 05.02.2013 to:
1. The Joint Director of Personnel(R),
DVC, HRD Department, DVC Towers,
VIP Road, Kolkata-700054.
2. The Resident Director,
DVC, Qrts.No.F-11, HEC Colony,
Sector-III, P.O.-Dhurwa, Ranchi-8000004
Applications will not be received through Speed Post / Courier / Registered Post.
OPENING DATE: Online Applications will be available from 05.01.2013.
CLOSING DATE: Online Applications will be closed on 28.01.2013(24:00 hours).However the filled in applications should reach within 05.02.2013. DVC is not responsible for any postal delay/wrong delivery/loss in transit. Applications received after 05.02.2013 will not be considered. DVC will not be responsible for any postal delay / loss. Any sort of canvassing or influencing the Officials related to the Recruitment/ Selection process would result in immediate disqualification of the candidature. In case of any dispute, the decision of the management of DVC will be final and binding on all candidates
DVC employees, if any, applying, as departmental candidates, are required to send their online application through proper channel along with necessary documents and submit the same within the due date to their respective Controlling Officers, to enable them to forward the same so as to reach the Recruitment Section, DVC, HRD Deptt., DVC Towers, Kolkata-54 within a maximum period of 7(seven) working days from the closing date. No cognizance of the applications shall be given, if received at this end beyond 7 working days from the closing date.
Opening Date of Application ONLINE 05.01.2013(13:00 Hours)
Closing Date of Application ONLINE 28.01.2013 (24:00 Hours)
Hosting of Shortlisted Candidates Ist week of April, 2013 (Tentative)
For Personal Interview
Helpline No.033-6607-2537/2539/2526
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