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Iit over nit -as usual

Written By fresher2expert on Friday, June 24, 2011 | 3:10 PM

Seat allotted
by National
Institute of
Technology -
Central Counseling
2011- to this
candidate is
engineering at the
National Institute
of Technology,
Trichy. But chance
that this student actually takes up
allotted seat: Zero. Reason: Such
students normally head for IITs.
Result: Seats at prestigious NITs
across India remain vacant
despite thrust given by the MHRD
for the same.
Keeping this scenario in mind,
the CCB AIEEE 2011 ushered in
quite a few changes in manner
in which admissions to 30 NITs,
5 IITs and 13 centrally/state
funded institutions were carried
out. Their aim was to reduce by
half the number of vacant seats
in above mentioned institutions,
from 5% last year to a more
reasonable 2.5%. The number of
vacancies in the old and new
NITs in 2010-11 was 839 and
these included 706 seats vacant
in the established NITs
An analysis carried out by the CCB
reveals that students who obtain
AIEEE ranks within 200 normally
end up opting for the IITs as
their IIT-JEE ranks are higher. The
highest-ranked AIEEE student
who joined NITK in 2010-11 had
a rank of 381 and the student
opted for computer science.
Students whose AIEEE ranks is on
higher side of 1,000 and whose
corresponding IIT-JEE ranks too
are unlikely to be higher, then
make a beeline for NITs as the
second best option.
Interestingly, an announcement
made by NIT, Warangal, when it
headed the CCB AIEEE 2009 that
students with AIEEE ranks up to
2,000 would get full tuition fee
waiver for all four years of
engineering pursued at NITs has
not really taken off. Keeping this
in mind, the CCB AIEEE 2011 has
taken up this case strongly with
the MHRD, which in turn has
formed a committee that would
give policy guidelines on how
this proposed fee waiver scheme
should be implemented.
G Srinikethan, coordinator, CCB
AIEEE 2011 told TOI that the CCB
is expecting the MHRD to come
up with guidelines shortly. If the
guidelines are issued, especially
on who would bear the amount
involved in fee waiver and under
what head of finance, we expect
more students to opt to join NITs
in the country. This and the spot
round introduced this year too
would help us address the issue
of vacancies that remain in above
mentioned institutions in general
and NITs in particular.
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